Something To Love

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George eyed the clock next to his bed. The time read 8:57 am. His body ached and his mind felt fuzzy. George had been awake for over an hour, but couldn't bring himself to evade his bed. Today was the dreaded day. He felt there was so little time for him to say goodbye, but he was wasting it sitting in bed. There was a light knock on the door. 

"Come on, George." Sapnap said in a quiet voice. Sapnap was just as sad as George. The air was thick, and vibes were heavy. "I can't let you stay in bed any longer." He said. 

 Without talking or even looking at Sapnap, George toppled out of bed looking like an ailing mess. On the ground below his bed sat George's luggage. Inside he had packed away his life in America and his memories with friends; All of it was ready to be taken home. George got dressed and ready. His stomach was rolling with knots, sending his appetite away. As he walked into the living room, George saw Dream and Sapnap sitting on the couch together; neither one of them smiling. 

"An uber is picking you up." Dream said. "In 20 minutes so be ready to leave." Dream didn't even look at George when he talked. His eyes were glazed over with tears, and speaking would send him in a complete state of tears. The thought of having to say goodbye to George was purely overwhelming, and it didn't feel real. 

"Just come sit down while we wait." Sapnap said making room on the couch for George. 

The fog coiled in dampening the outside. Grey clouds and wind hugged the small house, almost squeezing the life out of it. The ground was dotted with sprinkles of rain, and there was a light tapping on the window as drops plummeted from the sky.  

As George waited for his ride to pick him up, those 20 minutes of waiting felt like torment. There were no words to say, so everyone remained in a hush. George checked his phone every minute hoping the time would pass slower, or faster. He couldn't decide if he wanted to stay forever, or get it all over with. 

Dream didn't know what to do. He didn't know how he could even say farewell to George. It seemed unfitting to just say goodbye to someone you spent months of your life madly in love with. Dream wanted to get up and walk away. The situation was too unsettling to handle. But at that moment there was a honk outside the house and everyone's head popped up. 

When George looked outside to see the car picking him up, his mind went blank. He took one last look at the house he had lived in, and realized this might be the last time he ever saw it. George took and deep breath and stood up. 

"Come on, George." Sapnap said standing up wrapping his arms around his friend. Tears rolled down both of their faces. 

"Thank you. Thank you for everything." George said with a quivering lip. His emotions were too strong to say anything else. "Goodbye Sapnap." George said dramatically. He was ready to bawl. The lump in his throat made it almost impossible to speak. "Goodbye, Dream." He said sniffling his nose. 

Dream wrapped his arms tightly around George. "Goodbye." He whispered into George's ear. No, 'I love you.' No, 'I will miss you.' Dream just said a simple goodbye. That's all he could say as he watched George carry out his bags to the car. 

Dream stayed on the couch as Sapnap walked his friend to the car. "Safe travels." Sapnap said with a smile of tears. George gave a soft smile back. He didn't want to talk. He instead closed the car door for George and waited for George to leave. 

Dream sat inside crying- sobbing, actually. He cried hard. He was watching the love of his life drive away. The worst part part about it all- Dream didn't even know if George loved him back. He screamed as he cried. His shouts echoed through the empty house causing the floor to shake. He cried so hard his lungs started to hurt. Dream realized at that moment how insane he was. George had just gotten into a car, leaving them for God knows however long, and Dream was sitting in the house being too much of a pussy to go outside. 

Sapnap stood at the end of the sidewalk, watching as the car engine started. He looked at George and waved as he slowly started to drive away. 

George fiddled with his fingers until he looked out the window. The road he had onced lived on got smaller and smaller in the distance. A waved of sadness crashed over him while silent tears washed down George's face. The car had only moved 3 blocks ahead before George realized what he was doing. He couldn't just sit in the car and not say goodbye to Dream. He couldn't leave Dream for so many reasons, but the main being he never told Dream how he truly felt. "Stop!" George yelled to the driver. "Unlock the doors." George demanded. 

"Hey, man. What are you doing?" The confused driver asked. George spent no time answering. Instead, he got out of the car. 

"Just give me a minute!" George yelled with panic. Tears streamed down his face as he ran. He ran back home; Back to Dream; Back to the man he loved. His body pushed and pushed to make it back to the one he needed. George was determined to go back for Dream. 

Sapnap sat on the porch in silence as he watched the car carrying George fade down the street. He put his head down and sat there solo for a minute, thinking of all the good times these past months have brought him. He wasn't sure what to do then. Sapnap was unsure how to move on with his day after saying such a long and hard goodbye. Just then then front door swung open and Dream flew out of the house. Sapnap shot his head up, confused with what was going on. "Dream!" Sapnap yelled out. "Dream! Where are you going!"

Dream ran. He ran faster than ever. He ran for George, and for the sake of love. He ran with hope of being able to say one final goodbye. Dream's couldn't even feel his muscles get tired as he moved solely off of adrenaline. He looked in front of him to see George running to him. 'He came back.' Dream thought. "George!" He yelled. "George!" Tears streamed down Dreams face as he finally came back into contact with George. 

George flew into in Dream's arms. "Oh my god, Dream." He sobbed. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for leaving you." 

Dream kissed George, crying at the same time. "I can't let you go! I can't fucking let you go!" Dreams sobs were loud, as he held George in his arms. 

"Dream I can't go back. I can't back home. Not without you." George sobbed. He kissed Dream in the middle of the road as the drizzles soon turned to rain. The cool water blanketed the two, as they felt safe back in each other's arms. 

"Dream." George whimpered. 

"What?" Dream said acknowledging his quiet tone. "What, George?"

George looked up at Dream and starred at him dead in the eyes. "I love you, too."


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