She hates it

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Sarah was frozen, the shower curtain clutched tightly to her chin as she stood there, dripping wet. No one ever came here. Why was someone here? In the showers with her? While she was naked? And WHY was that someone, Alex Thacker??

"Sorry sweetheart, I didn't mean to scare you" His voice was cocky, Sarah didn't like it. Sarah didn't like anything about the star athlete. Not his stupid smirk, not his strong muscle-filled arms, that were currently flexed as he leaned back against the bathroom counter. Not his broad chest, that Sarah could see vividly because his shirt was pulled tight by the position of his arms. Not his abs, which Sarah had seen plenty of because Alex Thacker was known to run shirtless around the track that Sarah and her friend, Nora, sat near for lunch every day that the weather permitted. Not his deep sexy voice, that Sarah had heard a time or two around campus, and that had just called her 'sweetheart'. Not his wide shoulders that were always carrying his gym bag. Not his thick thighs that were on full display right now in his running shorts. 

Sarah hated all of it. That's why her face was so red right now; because she was angry, nothing else.

"WHAT THE FUCK???" she yelled at the boy standing across from her. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?"

Alex just shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, like he hadn't just walked in on Sarah showering.

"I came here to shower.." his voice trailed off as his eyes raked down Sarah's body. Sarah glanced down just to make sure her body was indeed hidden by the curtain. "...seems I wasn't the only one."

"Obviously not, and this building is closed, why did you come here to shower?" She asked unnecessarily. She would do anything right now to distract herself from the fact that she was stark naked. In front of THE Alex Thacker.

"I could ask you the same question, don't you have a dorm room with showers you can use?" Alex looked as if he had all the time in the world and had no plans on moving from his spot, hip pressed up against the countertop.

"Yes I do, but they're always packed and there's never enough hot water," Sarah was getting defensive. And cold. "Don't YOU have a brand new locker room you can use?"

Another shoulder shrug "I do, but they're always crowded and there's never any hot water." The smirk was back on his lips and Sarah was only getting more irritated by the second.

Sarah rolled her eyes and shifted her feet "Well listen, this little chit-chat has been great and all but, do you mind?" Sarah pointed to her towel sitting on top of her duffle bag on the floor.

Alex didn't move as he just glanced at where Sarah was pointing. He looked back to Sarah and raised an eyebrow. "Yes?"

"Can you hand me my towel?" She asked as she rolled her eyes.

"What's the magic word cutie?" That god damn smirk. Sarah hated it.

"Fuck you?"

"Sassy, I like it." Alex chuckled as he leaned down and grabbed Sarah's towel. Sarah reached out to grab the towel, momentarily letting go of the curtain. Just as she grasped the towel, Alex pulled it back slightly, pulling Sarah forward with it. The curtain slipped and Sarah's bare chest almost came into view before Sarah clasped the curtain back to her in a panic. 

Alex laughed, pushing the towel back towards Sarah's hand. He smiled, blue eyes sharpening into something that made Sarah's mouth run dry.

Sarah snatched the towel from him with a huff. She closed the curtain again, barely having enough room to dry off properly.

"What did you say your name was again?" She heard Alex ask.

"I didn't," she replied snarkily.

"I noticed," the other replied just as sarcastically.

Sarah quickly wrapped the towel around her waist, took a deep breath, and opened the curtain. She found Alex leaning back against the counter-top like he hadn't moved an inch. Sarah couldn't help but roll her eyes at the smirk that was plastered back on Alex's face. She stepped out of the stall, keeping a safe distance from the athlete, and moved to her duffle bag.

"Guess I'll just have to come up with my own nickname for you."

Sarah was just about to reply when Alex stood up straight and peeled his shirt off over his head. He tossed it onto the counter beside her and moved his hands to the waistband of his shorts before Sarah was able to find her voice.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

Thankfully Alex's hands stilled as he looked up at Sarah with a bewildered look on his face. "I came here to shower, what do you think I'm doing?"

Sarah just stood there for a moment with her mouth open before closing it with a snap of her jaw.

"Do you mind?" Alex asked like he wasn't the one undressing in front of Sarah.

Sarah felt her cheeks heat up as she turned her back on Alex. Only to be faced with a clear view of Alex's back in the mirror. She didn't even have time to look anywhere else before Alex was stripping out of his running shorts and boxers and stepping bare-assed into the shower. Sarah quickly locked her eyes on her own in the mirror, her face as red as a beet.

She hated Alex Thacker.

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