Ava meeting her new brother or sister

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Ava's PoV

I'd woken up in my room at Janette's where everything from yesterday hit me. There was only one person I needed to speak to; Stacey.

S- "hey sweetheart"
A- "hiya"
S- "what's the matter?"
A- "everything from yesterday hit me and I just needed to talk to you"
S- "well I'm here if you want to talk about it or anything else"
A- "thanks Stace"

We stayed talking until I heard Noah waking up.

A- "Noah's starting to wake up so I'm gonna have to go"
S- "message me if you need me"
A- "thanks Stace. Say hi to Kev from me"
S- "will do. I'll speak to you later"

I hung up and went to see Noah. "Morning monkey" he just held his arms up so I picked him up and he snuggled into my side. "How about we get you changed then we'll go and get you some breakfast?" Usually when I mention breakfast, Noah's happy but today he just stayed snuggled into me. I changed and took him downstairs where we found Aljaz. "Morning Ava" "morning" Aljaz held out his arms for Noah but he stayed cuddled into my side. "He's been like that since I went to get him. He wasn't even excited when I mentioned breakfast" "he's not going to be happy when you go out later" "I know" "what time you seeing Chloe?" "Not sure yet" "let me or Janette know and we'll drop you off and pick you up" "you don't have to" "we need to get some shopping anyway" "if your sure" "of course"

Janette's PoV

I could hear Aljaz and the kids in the kitchen so I went to find them. "Morning" "morning princess" "morning" Noah didn't even reach out his arms for me so I could tell something was wrong. "What's up with Noah?" "He's been weird since I went to see him when he woke up and he's been clinging to me every since I picked him up" "What time you seeing Chloe?" "I'm gonna ring her in a bit, Noah won't be impressed" "he's enjoyed seeing you and can probably pick up on the fact that you're going out and he probably thinks your not gonna come back" "poor thing, he's been so used to having me around and now he's going to have to share me"

Ava's PoV

We'd just finished breakfast and I was desperate to see Chloe and the baby but I knew that Noah wouldn't be happy. Noah was still glued to me so I took him with me to find my phone and let him stay on my lap with his monkey while I was on the phone to Chloe.

A- "morning"
C- "morning princess"
A- "miss you"
C- "miss you too and I'm desperate for a hug from my favourite princess"
A- "how you feeling?"
C- "alright. I'll be better when I see you"
A- "how's the baby?"
C- "wanting to meet their big sister"
A- "What time do you want me to come?"
C- "whenever you can"
A- "I'll be down as soon as I can"
C- "yay. Let me or Ashley know when you're on your way and I'll send him down to meet you as it's hard to find"
A- "will do"
C- "love you princess"
A- "love you too"

I hung up and decided that I'd message Ashley when I'm on my way and tell him not to tell Chloe as I want it to be a surprise when I arrive. Now what about Noah being glued to me? I sat him and his monkey on my bed while I got dressed.

As soon as I was dressed, I went to get him dressed then went downstairs.

Janette's PoV

Ava and Noah came downstairs. "Have you spoken to Chloe?" "Yeah. She said I can go down whenever I'm ready" "why don't I go get dressed then I'll take you and leave the boys here?" "Yeah"

Aljaz's PoV

Janette went to get ready while I stayed downstairs with Noah and Ava. "How are we going to get him to let go so I can leave?" "Pass me his monkey" Ava passed me Noah's monkey just as Janette came back downstairs. Noah looked at Ava, then me, then Ava then decided that he wanted his monkey so he reached his arms out allowing me to take him from Ava who snuck out to the hallway while Noah wasn't looking.

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