The best date nights

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Some of your favorite date nights with Sherlock were when he took you to the movies. It didn't happen often but when it was a blast. You would always go to screenings that had little to no people there so that the two of you could make fun of the films. You would both yell and throw popcorn at the screen. It was impossible for anyone else to enjoy the movie with the two of you in the theater. You had been kicked out of several theaters over the years and walked out of several. It was always extremely amusing.


Nothing about John's life was simple with Sherlock, so your life with John by contrast needed to be. Neither of you were very eccentric so your favorite dates were the simplest ones. Just going out to a nice dinner to get away from all the crazy was perfect. John would put on a smart outfit and you put on your best dinner clothes. It would be a quiet night for the two of you to spend together. Though whenever the two of you tried to have one of these nights Sherlock usually interrupted it somehow. 


You loved Mycroft's cooking and he loved cooking for you. The best nights were when he cooked you dinner and then you both retreated into the screening room to watch your favorite old lack and white films. You black and white films were something you both loved. You were constantly watching I Love Lucy and shows like it. But your favorite movie to watch together was Casa Blanca. Mycroft would have also baked you a cake or something else to snack on. They were perfect evenings.


Your favorite date nights with Greg is when he takes you dancing. The two of you get dressed up and go to your favorite dance bar. It was nothing like clubbing. You went to a little place the two of you had found where you could go ballroom dancing. You were always one of the younger couples there. Normally the dance floor was full of older folks, they were sweet and since you were regulars you all knew each other pretty well. They were low key kinds of nights but still a lot of fun. You guys would even enter into some of the dance competitions every once in a while. Even winning a few times. Those nights were wonderful because it took you both far away from the world of solving crimes and let you both be free.


There were very few things more enjoyable then stake outs with Jim. Normally he had other people to do that for him. But on occasion he liked to do it himself. You loved doing this with him, two sets of eyes were always better than one. You loved them because it meant that you and Jim just got to sit together and talk. No one was allowed to bother you so you got to be together completely uninterrupted. It was wonderful. They weren't exactly dates but they were better.

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