Mycroft Holms- Unexpected Reunion

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There was a chill in the air as you, John, and Sherlock walked to the restaurant. The cab had dropped you off a little too early so the three of you had to walk the last block. It was a quiet evening in central London. The fall night made the air feel crisp and dry. You smiled as you passed different store fronts. John and Sherlock walked slightly ahead of you. Sherlock was dressed in a smart suit as always. His curly hair fell along his brow, his eyes moved constantly, examining the passers by with a scrutinizing gaze. John looked handsome in a nice button down and slacks. He smiled warmly at people who smiled at him. He would look back every once and a while to back sure you hadn't gotten too far behind. You hadn't met John until tonight. You had known Sherlock for a while. The two of you had stayed in touch after you and Mycroft had graduated from university. It had been sometime since you saw the eldest Holms boy. The two of you had been friends in uni but lost touch soon after since you had gotten a position in the British consulate in the U.S.. But now that you were back in London Sherlock had called you and invited you out to dinner. That's what has brought you to your present situation.

As you walked into the restaurant the burst of warm air hit you like a train and slowly sank into your bones. You took off your coat as Sherlock talked to the host at the door.

"Right this way, Mr. Holmes. A member of your party has already been sat." he smiled and began to lead the three of you to a table. You looked confusedly at John who looked just as surprised as you. Sherlock had not mentioned anyone else joining you. As you all rounded you looked ahead to the table that you seemed to being lead to. There sat a man. He had light brown hair that was receding back slightly. He was dressed in a suit like Sherlocks and an umbrella was leaning against his chair.

You tried to control your facial expression and not give anything away but inside you were ecstatic and terrified. You had liked Mycroft in University. The two of you were each other's only mantle matches. That had ostracized you from your classmates but pushed the two of you together. There had been a hundred times when you had wanted to tell Mycroft about your feelings but you knew that he hadn't reciprocated them. You had hopped to see him now that you were back but you hadn't thought it would be this soon. You suddenly felt nauseous and dizzy. Why didn't Sherlock tell you his brother would be here? Why had you worn this outfit and not a better one? A million thoughts swirled in your head as you approached the table, terrified to know what would happen.

Mycroft hadn't noticed your approach yet. He was studying the menu rather thoroughly. He turned his head to look at the other column of the menu and caught the movement of your party as you approached. He looked up and his eyes went wide with shock for a moment. He had been expecting his brother and Dr. Watson, what he hadn't been planning on was (Y/N). His hands began to sweat as he set the menu on the table and stood to great everyone. His expression gave away none of the thoughts racing through his mind. Sherlock hadn't said anything about bringing along another guest. He knew you had moved back to London but he didn't know that you would be here. He had planned to run into you at your office or something one day, not be thrown into dinner with you and his brother. He could his chest tightening as he gave a tight smile to his brother and Dr. Watson as they arrived at the table.

"Hello, Brother" Mycroft said as he extended his hand out. Sherlock took it and gave him a brief handshake.

"Hello, Mycroft" Sherlock gave his brother a similarly tight smile. Mycroft turned his attention to John, skipping over you to look at the shorter man.

"Dr. Watson" Mycroft gave his smile a little more effort and nodded to the doctor.

"Evening, Mycroft '' John smiled and returned the nod. Mycroft again avoided your gaze as he turned to his brother.

"Sherlock, Might I have a word with you and Dr. Watson outside please?" he's voice gave the hint of annoyance and his eyes were sharp as they gazed at his younger brother. You stood in the middle of it all rather confused. Perhaps Mycroft wasn't expecting you either. Perhaps he didn't want you there. Your heart began to sink as Mycroft finally looked at you. "If you'll please excuse my rudeness Mr. (Y/L/N), I need a word with my brother and the doctor." He gave you a slight apologetic smile and walked back out the door with the two other men. You sat and looked back at them through the large windows at the front of the store. You wondered what they could be talking about and if it was about you.

"Really, Sherlock, What is this?" Mycroft turned as he exited the restaurant, hissing the words at his brother. "Why didn't you tell me (Y/N) would be joining us?"

"I'm sorry," John said, "What's going on?" He looked at Sherlock who simply smiled at his brother.

"Isn't it obvious, John?" Sherlock mused, "Mycroft likes (Y/N)." Mycroft rolled his eyes,

"Really, Sherlock? Is that why you brought her here? To see if your old theory still holds up?" Mycroft sounded tired as he tried to resist the idea. He had liked you in Uni but never said anything because you couldn't possible have felt the same. Sherlock had always insisted that the two of you had liked each other and was rather bothered every time Mycroft had told him otherwise.

"So it's true then? You fancy her." Sherlock smiled at his older sibling. "Your hands and brow are sweating. Your heart has started to beat at an alarming rate even for someone with your blood pressure. And your pupils dilated when you saw her." Mycroft's anxiety bubbled into anger,

"Ohh Please Sherlock, like you would know anything." he looked though the restaurant, accidentally making eye contact with you through the glass. He smiled slightly and you smiled back. He signed, "Well it seems to be too late now to have this discussion. (Y/N) is waiting. Shall we?" He motioned towards the door. John nodded,

"Right" he walked through the door followed by Sherlock and Mycroft. The three of them made their way back to the table.

"My apologies, Ms. (Y/L/N)" Mycroft smiled at you. He took a seat across from you, while John and Sherlock sat on either side.

"It's alright," you said as they settled in, "and please, call me (Y/N), Mycroft. You and I are far too old of friends to stand on such formalities. How have you been" You smiled at him warmly. He tried his best to smile back.

"Of course," His smile grew Imperceptibly, "I'm quite well, thank you. How were the States?" Just then Sherlock's phone went off and he stood, grabbing his coat.

"Well, love to stay and chat," He said in a flat tone, "but it looked like Gaven is in need of assistant. John, Come on" John looked alarmed and set down his menu,

"Ohh ahh alright, "he stood and put on his coat as well, "It was lovely to meet you (Y/N). Mycroft, we'll be seeing you." The two men walked out to the restaurant and down the street. You looked at Mycroft confused,

"What was that about?" You laughed nervously, Mycroft grimaced.

"I haven't the faintest idea." he looked away from the window and back to you, "shall we order?" He smiled a little. It may have not been the way he had planned on seeing you again after all these years but he didn't care. With Sherlock gone he had nothing to worry about other than himself and that was fine. The two of you had a lovely evening together. And though neither of you had expected it you still loved every minute. Plus it was the start of something new, what wasn't there to be excited about?

(A/N: Sorry about the writing. These things never seem to come out sounding like they do in my head. But I hope you enjoyed it! if you have a request for a one-shot or anything just leave a comment of message me. Thanks <3)

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