OmniscientAyden sat in the passenger seat of X's car as her and Xyola was leaving from her doctor's appointment. J'lani figured it would be easier for X to be there and not him. He knew he wasn't the best support system. Also, it would have been a lot easier for a woman to be there.
"Hey. You good?" X asked Ayden.
"It's okay if your not. This is a lot to take in. Just breathe."
"I know. I wanna keep the baby." She blurted out.
X was surprised. Most girls would have had an abortion, mourned there child, and went on with the life like nothing happened. Not the she would judge them for it.
"Are you sure?" X asked. Ayden nodded her head. "Know that every decision you make from here on out, will either hurt or help your child. You gotta put ya child before anybody. You gotta be the best mother you can be, not one that don't do enough. You 15 with a baby. People gon talk and say all kinda shit. Question is, can you handle that?"
Ayden nodded her head. "Yeah. Like you said my child come first. I can handle negative comments. Words ain't nothing."
"That's not true. Words can hurt more than actions sometimes."
"To other people maybe. My mind don't process bullshit that come out of people mouths."
X laughed and looked at Ayden. The more she was around Ayden, the more she reminded her of someone. Someone close to her. She just couldn't put her finger on it.
Ayden thought about asking another question. She was hesitant tho. "Will you and J'lani help me?"
"Of course." X answered with no regrets.
The car got quiet. It wasn't an awkward quiet. It was a peaceful one. Ayden stared and rubbed her 4 month old belly. She started to wonder if keeping her child was the right decision.
X, on the other hand, was wondering what was so important that J'lani couldn't bring Ayden to her doctor's appointment.
J'lani had to take a trip to Ayden's aunt. He had never seen this woman before, so for her to say "she know him", he had to find out who she is and how she's know him.
He knocked on the door and waited about 15 seconds for her to open it.
"I was wondering if you'd come back." Katrina greeted. She wanted to hug him, but she didn't know how he would feel about it.J'lani looked at her with a straight face. "How you know me and why are you willing to give Ayden up that quick?"
"Come in." Katrina said. Lani walked in and she closed that door. "Do you need something to eat or drink?"
J'lani looked at her with a straight face. He was interested in anything but the truth. Katrina nodded her head, getting the hint.
She picked up some of the papers she had scattered across the table. "Me, my sister Kaleci, and your mother Erica were very close friends. She was the oldest out of us, so she was like a older sister to us."
She put a few photos of them in front of J'lani. He looked over them and sure enough, it was his mom. A lil younger, but it was her. He couldn't deny his biological mom's physical beauty. She had long, honey brown 3b hair. She was brownskin with plenty freckles. Her hazel eyes would have any man do a double take on her.
"My sister got pregnant." Katrina stared. "Kaleci wanted an abortion, but she was to far along. She fell into a depression. I didn't know what to do, so I told Erica. Erica came to the house amd got Kaleci out of the bed. Your mother planned a whole spa day for us. As we were walking outside, I noticed a red spot forming on Kaleci's shorts. She then crouched down in pain. She started screaming about how much her stomach hurted. At this time, she was 7 months pregnant."
She teared up while telling the story. It never hurted any less.
"We rushed her to the hospital. 2 hours later, she birth a stillborn. Th-"
"What the fuck that got to do with me and the question I asked?" J'lani's patience was wearing thin.
Katrina looked at him. He reminded her of her sister. "So we thought. I had fell asleep in the room and woke up to my sister crying. She kept saying "Im sorry I had too". I asked her where was my nephew and she said she gave him up for adoption. She had a closed adoption so no one knew who adopted you."
J'lani was quiet and lost in his thoughts. "I'm your sister's child?" He heard what Katrina said, but he had to asked for more verification. She nodded her head.
He leaned back and shook his head. "How did you know it was me?"
"Victoria has sent us pictures of you over the years and look the same, your features just have matured."
"You know my aunt?"
"I was friends with her older sister. She was the who told me what Erica did." Katrina chuckled.
"What about my dad, the man she married?" J'lani asked. He still had questions that needed to be answered.
"He was the one to get Kaleci pregnant. Then, he married Erica. They was all over the damn place."
J'lani hesitated to ask this question. "What happened to Kaleci?"
Katrina heart tightend at what she was gonna say. "She passed away 5 years ago."
All J'lani could do was shake his head. "What does that have to do with me and Ayden?"
"Adyen is Kaleci's child also."
"You telling me you seen her?" Trigga asked
Saniyah nodded her head. "Yes."
Trigga sat in deep thought. He would finally get his girl back. He felt like X had been dodging him for the last nine months.
"What else do you know?"
"I seen her license plate." Saniyah said.
Trigga's head went up. "What is it?"
Saniyah wanted to be free from Trigga's hold, so if that means putting someone in danger so be it.
Trigga sent the license plate number to one of his connects and they found the car's location. The location made him sit back and smirk.
He knew she would always come back to him.

General Fiction(ON HOLD) J'lani Brewster had a prefect life. His parent abandoning him is what made his life better. Note the sarcasm. He was on edge. He barely trusted people, including his family. Being related to him didn't mean good to him. To closer you are t...