chapter four: sorry

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      Y/n sat one of the many balcony's at ouran academy with his knees pulled up to his chest and his hands buried in his hair, running his fingers through it in a stressed manner. His face was tear stained, and his eyes were red and puffy, making the bags under his eyes more noticeable.

     "I made a fool of myself in front of everyone..." Y/n said to himself, his voice still sore from sobbing. It was hoarse and raspy, and it still cracked every so often.

     Suddenly a door behind Y/n was opened, and footsteps were heard behind him. He kept his head down on his knees to avoid any and all contact with whoever it was that had come after him. 

     "Y/n..." said Hikaru's voice. It was gentle, and quiet, and concerned. Y/n became still, but didn't lift his head up.
He let go of his hair, and let his arms down at his sides. He began to standup again, and walk past Hikaru but he was suddenly grabbed by the arm.

     "Wait!" Hikaru said, as he pulled
Y/n back towards him, he wrapped his arms around Y/n's back.

    "Pleases don't go..." Hikaru pleaded, tightening his grip on the other boy. This made Y/n gasp lightly.

    "I wanted to say...I never knew...what you went through I mean..." Hikaru began. ""I could never understand how hard that is...I'm really s-sorry." Hikaru's voice cracked as he apologized. This caused the other male to grab Hikaru with one arm, and pull him into an embrace, while pulling Hikaru's face into his chest.

      "It's ok." Y/n's weak voice said, as Hikaru began to cry. "Sh...please don't cry Hika..." he pleaded, running his fingers through Hikaru's hair. Hikaru sobbed quietly into the other boy's chest, muttering a few more sorry's.

     "I just never much you were hurting..." Hikaru said, causing the other male to shush him again, telling him it was ok. The two shared an embrace for a few more minutes until Hikaru had stopped crying.

      Y/n stood there, with the same color red face as Hikaru. They both liked each other, so the embrace made them a little bit embarrassed.

    "Hey, let's go back to the host club. They might come looking for us soon."
Y/n suggested, Hikaru agreed. The two of them began to walk back down to the music room, their hands brushing against one another's from how closely to each other they walked.


hikaru x (m) reader ~ you got me in troubleWhere stories live. Discover now