11. Second Chances

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*The trip has already flown by, you have gotten as many souvenirs as possible, that will fit in your suitcase. You and Sam run up and down the escalators in every store you go to, life has peaked. This is the first time you are truly happy in such a long time. Family issues for the most part are resolved, you decided you want to give your dad and chance, and you also want to be there for Robby. And all you friends are perfect, Hawk has been an angel, which is very concerning to many people. Sam and Tory are reconciling their differences so they don't have to fight over you all the time. Miguel has also been great, he has returned to normal old Miggy, he apologized for being so weird the other day at school, he said it was just weird being back after the accident. But tonight was their last night in New York. Miguel, Sam Hawk, and you made plans to hang out tonight. There is a curfew where you have to be in your assigned rooms at a certain time, but Miguel and Hawk said they could figure something out.*

*Hawk and Miguel walk in*

Hawk: Hey what's going on?

*you and Sam laughing*

Y/n: Sam was just telling me how Anthony and her dad were playing Just Dance the other day.

*Hawk and Miguel confused as to why it was funny*

Sam: I promise you it was funnier in the moment.

*Miguel and Hawk sit down, everyone talks for hours*

Y/n: Do you guys want to watch a movie?

Miguel: Yeah sure, what are we going to watch?

Y/n: *looks at Hawk* Harry Potter?

Hawk: *laughs nervously* What, I don't watch Harry Potter. What are you talking about?!

Y/n: *laughs* Okay, fine we won't watch Harry Potter then.

Hawk: Good because I never wanted to watch it anyways.

*ends up watching Lord of the Rings, and everyone falls asleep*

*It's 4 am, Sam and Y/n are in their own beds, the boys crashed on the couch*

Y/n: *wakes up shaking and sweating from a nightmare, you try to catch your breath but can't stop thinking about it*

Hawk: *wakes up, looks at you shaking* He- Hey *walks over to your bed* Hey Y/n, *sits down on the edge of your bed* It's okay, what happened?

Y/n: *lays back down under the covers* I- It was Miguel. *starts crying lightly* I had a nightmare, and it was horrible. Miguel falling was replaying in my head the whole time. *starts sobbing quietly and looks over at Miguel*

Hawk: *moves up closer to you* It's okay, *points over to Miguel* it's okay, he's right there. And he is okay. *lays down next to you*

Y/n: I- I know but it still felt so real, like it was all happening again. *puts the covers on top of Hawk, so you are both under them*

Y/n: *you lay your head on his chest, start to fall asleep*

Hawk: *runs his fingers through your hair* It's gonna be okay, baby.

*you both fall asleep cuddled up together*

*it's 10:30 by the time you wake up, you two are the only ones in the room*

Y/n: *sits up, nudges Hawk* Hey, *pokes him* Dude wake up.

Hawk: *groans* No *grabs you by the waist and pulls who back on top of him*

Y/n: *laughs and tries to pull away* No Hawk, we have to go downstairs. People are going to be suspicious, we aren't dating, remember?

Hawk: Yeah yeah, whatever.

Y/n: *stands up and realizes* Miguel and Sam already got up, they must have saw us together.

Hawk: *sits up* Okay and?

Y/n: I doubt they will tell anyone but we still are just friends.

Hawk: We don't have to be.

Y/n: I don't need any input from the peanut gallery.

Hawk: *rubs his eyes and stands up*

Y/n: Thanks for last night, it really helped.

Hawk: No problem *walks up to you and goes in for a hug, but waits for your approval*

Y/n: *laughs* Yeah it's fine. *goes in for a hug*

Hawk: *holding you in his arms* You know I used to get nightmares too from what happened.

Y/n: *looks up at Hawk, hugs him tighter* Really?!

Hawk: Yeah

Y/n: I only get them occasionally but when I do it's pretty bad, for the next week I can't stop thinking about it.

Hawk: Well whenever you get anxious or just need someone to talk to, you can always come to me.

Y/n: *blushes* Thanks, *steps away from Hawk* We should probably go down for breakfast

Hawk: Yeah, I guess we should.

Y/n: *stops Hawk as you are just about to walk out the door* I almost forgot, Robby is home.

Hawk: *rolls his eyes* Oh, joy.

Y/n: *starts walking to the elevator* I'm really excited about it, and my dad invited us both to live with him. We both are going to. I want to give him a second chance, just like you.

Hawk: *sighs* It's all about the second chances. *puts his arm around your shoulder* To breakfast we go.

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