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Charlie rolled to her side as the light streamed through the slit in her curtain. Her hand fumbled around her nightstand, and found her phone.

Unlocking it, she clicked on the messages app to find several texts from her brother and Fallon telling her that they were added to the main cast groupchat. She gigged as she scrolled through Fallon's keyboard bombs of excitement. She sat up on the edge of the bed, and as she did every morning, looked out her window onto the skyline of Los Angeles.

Occidental College had been her home for almost 9 months, and now that May had rolled around, it had just hit her that she would be moving out soon.

Charlie's freshman year had bustled with excitement: she started learning material she was actually interested in, began working at the coffee shop down the hill, and Leo and Fallon had scored the roles in Cobra Kai.

Her friends situation was a bit sparse; her roommate was nice enough, but they weren't close. Charlie's closest friends were found in her brother and childhood best friend. Making friends wasn't her strong suit; especially because she came to college to work and get an education, not fuck around like she had done in high school.

Charlie huffed as she stood up, the tile cold against the bottoms of her feet. She began pulling her work uniform out of her dresser, humming a tune without focus.

There was a small, microscopic part of her that wished she lived the life her closest friends did; they met amazing people, worked with creatives of all kind, and got to play a different person for an amount of time.

Charlie didn't have time to pretend she was someone she wasn't; she was focused on writing, on learning, on making enough money to one day own a publishing company.  She wanted others that had stories floating around in their heads to be able to put their dreams on paper.

As she headed out the door to start her walk, she stuck a pair of earbuds in her ears. The lyrics of the first song she listened to everyday began to play as she stepped out into the Los Angeles sun...

"You got the lights on in the afternoon, and the nights are drawn out long...."


GROUPCHAT - it's jacob's turn to clean the mats
MEMBERS - xolo, jacob, peyton, mary, tanner, gianni

i think it's time to add the psycho
twins to the groupchat

it's 6:50 am wtf are you doing

plotting murder now be nice

(xxx) xxx - xxxx and (xxx) xxx - xxxx were added to the chat!



now imagine living with that


KNEE SOCKS - jacob bertrand Where stories live. Discover now