Sun, Moon and Sky

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Sorry for the recent publishings! I know I've been making heaps of chapters, but I guess that's because I've been drawing a lot. Welp, here is the reason for the name of the chap—

So I've mad three cats. One is my pfp. He is Sunkit. The second and third are his siblings, Moonkit and Skykit. Yes I know that Sky- is taken by Skywatcher and Skyclan but this is in my fanfic, which doesn't have either. SOZ MOONY!!!

Character profiles: Name, gender, age. Personality. Social status. Context.

Sunkit, tomkit, 3 moons

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Sunkit, tomkit, 3 moons. Bright, cheerful, optimistic to the max. Super popular. Mother is explaining StarClan, hence the StarClan symbol behind him and the look of total awe.

Moonkit, tomkit, 3 moons

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Moonkit, tomkit, 3 moons. Dark, depressed/ing, pessimistic to the max. Lonely. Sunkit just said he didn't want to play mossball with him, saying maybe next time.

Skykit, shekit, 3 moons

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Skykit, shekit, 3 moons. Playful and happy but can sometimes be deadly serious. Mostly just annoys her brothers. One of the many times she get a stupid idea.

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