Chapter one (Hanna's POV)

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Everyone knew me as the girl played with everyone's heart and broke them, but that was not me that's what my enemy made me out to be. His name was Ben Heart he acted like he was better then everyone even though he was the player not me. Every now and then I think he is stupid for what he did, but I then I remember that's what he does turns people into something that they are not and today wanted to get though the day with out cry because of Ben and what he did to me a year ago. Before I get on with the day here is who I am I'm a girl who dated the schools player and ended up get screwed over in the end and I'm also in the schools choir and swimming team. 

After I got to school I went to my first hour of the day and remember that I left my book in my locker.

"Mrs.Anderson can run to my locker quick I left my book in it." i politely asked

" Yes Mrs.Smith but hurry" She said  

I run out to my locker to get my book and when I reached my locker heard yelling at the end of the hall way, so I walk to go see what was going on and I saw Ben being yelled at by his mom. Just then I realized that the only way that Ben feels good about himself was to put people down like his dad did to him when he was a little boy.

After I watched to see what would happen I ran back to class.

" Mrs.Smith have a seat please and start reading." Mrs.Anderson said 

Then right after I sat down Ben walked in to the classroom and you could tell that Ben was crying, but that was something you would never see or ask him about cause he is a guy that wants to act strong and not weak. I kinda felt bad for thinking that he was a dick because in reality his was soft hearted  and hard headed person. Then I was brought out of my thoughts by Ben sitting by me I looked at him.

" Hey Ben are you okay? " I whispered then he looked at me with a surprised look on his face.

" Are you really talking to me cause no one talks to me because they think I'm all that and don't like me because I dated a player aka you." He said and rolled my eyes at what he said  

" Of course you would say that even though your the one who made me out to be that when you really know that I'm not a player and that you are the only person I've ever been with. So yeah I'm talking to you cause I saw you in the hall with your mom and now you look upset, so I was being a caring person and asking if you were okay ." I whispered to him and when I looked over at him he looked happier then when he came in to the classroom.

" Wow and I thought that I had a temper. Yes I'm fine, but want to know what would make me even happier if you came over to hangout with me for a little bit, so I don't have to deal with my mom being pissed off with cause she had a bad day at work or something, would please come over and hangout with me after school today?" He said calmly with a smile  

When he asked me that question all I wanted to do was yell at the top of my lungs no, but at this moment I think it wouldn't hurt to hangout with him to make this better for him today. After what was probably an hour of thinking I turned to him and said "Sure I'll hangout today after school for a little bit because my dad would get mad if I was out passed dinner with out him knowing the where about of where I am since he gets home from work about sevenish."

"Wait, really I thought that I was to lame for you after you broke up with me." He said surprised 

" Yeah it couldn't hurt right?" I said with a smile

" Good I'll see you after school." He said with a smile

Right after his last sentence the bell rang meaning I have seven minutes to get to my next hour which is choir/music. On my way to my locker I heard someone calling my name and I didn't recognize the voice, I turned to see who it was an to my luck it was the principal. When I noticed that it was the principal I walk up to him to see what he wanted me to do.

"Mrs. Smith I was wondering if you have talked to Ben Peterson lately." He asked calmly 

"Well in my first hour yeah." I said confused he looked around 

"Mrs.Smith I think you should come in my office for a second." He said opening the door, so I followed him in to his office.

"Mrs.Smith did he say anything to you about what happen earlier with his mom. Cause I know you saw them yelling at each other in the hallway earlier." He stated 

"No all he had done was ask me if I could hangout after school and that he was fine. Why." I said still confused about is happening right now and why the principal wants to know about Ben's fight with his mom.

"Mrs.Smith what did you say to Ben after he asked you to go over to his house after school." He asked concerned 

" I said sure it couldn't hurt.Why are you asking me questions about Ben and the fight that happened earlier." I stated 

" I was told that his mother had hit him and that his mother was drunk when she brought him to school." He stated. I was so shocked by what I was just told by the principal.

" Can I leave now I need to get to my next class if you don't mind." I asked politely

" Yes you may, but if you hear anything about him or he tells you anything please come to me or an adult." He said. 

I nodded and walked out of the office and went to my locker and got my stuff for my next hour out and then went to my next hour. Just as I walked into the classroom the bell rang meaning that class had began and that if I didn't sit down and start working on my notes I would get yelled at by my teacher, so I did what I needed to do. As soon class began just as soon it ended and same with the rest of the day.

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