Chapter 7

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(In Maria's room)

I didn't want it to come to this but Yuki decided to give Shizuka her blood. Yuki didn't recognize me with my mask on even though I had the same clothes on but my hair was down and my bangs covered most of my eyes "Well have you decided?" Maria was staring at Yuki with a devious smile as for Yuki she looked scared but determined "Maria if you know of a way to save Zero....." Before Yuki could finish Maria started laughing "I'm surprised that you haven't even thought of your dear sister Lucy. Not that it matters anymore isn't that right?" She looked at me; I nodded then took off my mask "Lucy?" I smiled at Yuki I don't mind Yuki I don't need saving anyway. For Shizuka already saved me" Before I went to the ball Shizuka gave me her blood so I could serve her without difficulty "I want you to save him, Maria" Maria held out her hand to Yuki "Come here, Yuki" She walked forward in front of Maria "Good girl" Yuki kneeled down to Maria and put her hand in Maria's. Maria put Yuki's finger in her mouth but not biting it "What is it, Yuki?" "I just realized for the first time in my whole life. I'm glad vampires find my blood delicious because in return it would save Zero" Maria didn't like that. Maria slammed Yuki into the couch she had been sitting on "It was me who drove Zero to despair" Ichuru Came in with Shizuka's body "That is my real body. It's easy to save Zero, just like I saved Lucy" Maria grabbed Shizuka's hand. Then her eyes opened "You see that boy...." Then Shizuka and Maria said at the same time "Just has to drink my blood hehe" She transitioned to her original body as I grabbed Maria's before she fell to the ground and then I laid her down on the couch gently "So it's just like Lucy said, he has to drink your blood" I love Yuki with all my heart but She's always been slow-minded if you haven't noticed "That's right, the blood of his master, Shizuka Hio and then Zero cannot fall to level E, He'll become a true member of the night clan. Now for your promise, offer your blood to me, I am being hunted and I need more power." Ichuru grabbed me and pulled me out of the room. "Master what can I do for you?" He looked at me with a sad expression he looked at me with sadness "Lucy drop the act" I nodded "I hope you know that I have the act because of the deal I made with Shizuka which means I have to call you master as well" He looked away "I know but I don't want to talk to my servant but to my sister. I want to know if what Zero said was true. About your feelings towards me" He looked back at me but then I looked at the floor "It's true but you're not the boy I fell in love with all those years ago but I believe he's still inside you and I want him to come back" He grabbed my hand and squeezed it "I'm still here Lucy and I do love you I just don't want people always looking down on me" I looked up at him with anger that filled my eyes "No listen here if you would have listened to me once back then. Then none of this would have happened. I've always told you no one did that they were just worried about you!" I couldn't hold it back anymore and started exploding at Ichuru as I did with Zero when I saw Yuki in his bathroom "I never thought of that Lucy, and I'm sorry but I can't change my loyalties" I was about to shake out of his but he pulled me in closer and kissed me, letting all his feelings out in this one kiss. Soon our kiss deepened and his hands started roaming my body. I wanted to continue but we had important things to do. I pulled away then walked back into the room where Yuki and Shizuka were. I saw That Shizuka had her hand on Yuki's cheek and was really close to her face "You do know what happens when a purebloods fang pierce you. Don't you?" Shizuka pulled her hand away from Yuki's face then went down to her neck. 

When she was about to bite her "Shizuka!" I turned to the voice at the doors and saw Zero no surprise there "Let Yuki go!" "Zero you...." Zero Pulled out his gun in a flash. Yuki was about to get up but I pushed her back down and brought out my sword "Zero stay back or I would have no choice but to hurt you" He didn't flinch "Move out of the way Lucy or I may have to do the same. Why would you even..." I didn't flinch either "You don't understand anything. You know I can't do that" Yuki got up in a hurry "She's the only one that can save you Zero!" He was surprised at this. Zero would never trust Shizuka anyway and I don't either "You think she could save me?" "Yes, she could and I already made a deal, listen Zero the only way for you to control those urges and for you to stop becoming a level E is for you to drink this woman's blood" I shoved her back on the couch again "Like I did and I plan on you to do so too, so stay back this is your last warning" He walked towards me and grabbed the sword tight enough to draw blood "Even if that's true about her blood, I can still beat her within an inch of your life, Shizuka" I swung the sword to his neck but not cutting him because he grabbed it "Why are you protecting her is she..." I was nearly in tears "Lucy..." I felt the ice-cold Stare of Shizuka "These girls have tainted you. Hahaha, are you happy to finally hear your master's voice? You cannot help but obey me Zero, unlike you; Lucy is fine with following orders. I'm back in my own body now my voice has the power to bind the both of you. This is convenient, both of you grab Yuki" I couldn't help but do as she wishes. Zero and I did as told. "Guy's let me go" I held her on the right as Zero on the left "You don't have to force them to do this, I will let you drink my blood ok" Shizuka approached Yuki with a stern look "For 4 years now this body has been ravenous. Do you truly believe that your blood was enough?" Yuki was astonished and upset with what Shizuka said "But you said that. That you only needed my blood...." She grabbed Zero and bit down on his neck "You've tortured him enough. Why are you doing this? Why are you being so cruel to him?" Shizuka grabbed Yuki's face to stop her from proceeding. She got close to her ear "I'm punishing him for becoming so attached to you but mostly Lucy. You are being cruel to yourself. Don't you know Yuki that the choices you make are causing them to suffer? Even I can see that" I never wanted to admit it but it was true. I wanted to reassure Yuki that it didn't affect us much but I couldn't. Yuki suddenly went silent and looked down at the ground "I thought if I was with Zero and Lucy things would be ok, I wondered if Zero, Lucy if you could ever forgive me someday" Zero and I both let go of Yuki. Zero grabbed Shizuka's neck before she could bite Yuki "Zero!" Even though Zero had his hand on her neck he couldn't do anything "You can't do it Zero, you have to stay being my puppet for now. Lucy, I'm surprised you disobeyed my order" I looked away from Shizuka "I'm still loyal to you but the deal was you would not harm Yuki but I came to my senses and figured out that you've broken your promise. But I remain loyal to your orders but not if there to harm Yuki" Shizuka turned her attention to Zero "You can't even squeeze those fingers around my neck. Zero pointed the gun to himself *BANG* He shot himself in the leg "You can't take any more away from me!" He squeezed his fingers on her neck and shot her many times in her stomach. I grabbed Zero "Stop Zero!" Shizuka stepped back with her blood dripping down to the floor ruining her beautiful kimono "Hahahahaha. But this is not enough to kill me" I Zero pushed me and Yuki behind him "I'll finish it right now. I'll end it all" I moved to the front of Shizuka with my sword. 

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