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"Greetings Great Priest," Merus said with a slight bow. Dai flashed a smile at his son.

"You can just call me padre as your universe is developing," Dai said and Merus just had a blank expression.

"It would be inappropriate to call you of such a name. You always advised me to call you by your title. And now because I'm the perfecto Angel I get to call you that. I do not think it suits," Merus said giving another slight bow to tell his departure. He teleported away at that moment. Dai sighed at this.

Merus' POV

I had finished my training and of course I was pushed to stay at this hell hole Angel Palace. You might be wonder why I say that. Well...

As a kid I was seen as a failure and disgrace. A failure to my padre. Should I even be calling him that? Just because I wasn't born with Ultra Instinct. Yes that's the reason behind this whole story.

I trained my whole life brutally. I've been treated badly like I was not part of the familia. Even called names that were not pleasant for my ears to hear. They got tired of me and sent me to study mortals. I do not know why they hate me so much. I haven't given them a reason to.

"Merus," I heard a not on the door. Ugh why can't he leave me alone


"May I come in," I got up from bed and headed for the door. I opened it and he entered.

"Do you need anything Great Priest?" I asked blankly.

"I want us to talk"


"Our relationship as padre and mijo," he stated and I sighed.

"There is no relationship between us. There was not and I don't think they'll be. Last time I checked Angels do not have relationships. As the perfect Angel you wanted me to be I'll follow that rule. You're only trying to connect with me now because I'm the full Angel you wanted. And not the mijo of yours. Now will you please let me be," I said polite as can be. He nodded in sadness.

"I understand," he then excited the room and I closed the door.

"Finally some peace"

Demons out😈

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2021 ⏰

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