Chapter 1 (Followers of God)

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        Okay lets face it, we all aren't followers of God at first. You have to be "reborn again". What I mean by that is that, everyone has they're kingdom, but to be apart of the Lord's kingdom, ours has to fall. When our kingdom's fall, it means that it's the worst time of your life, the darkest of days, whether your being abused or self harm, or maybe something a bit smaller, it depends. But this is also the time we need God the most, to guide us through the darkness. When you let him guide you, it might seem hard at the time, but it will get better, cause God is always in front loving you all the way. 

        Being a follower isn't having a cross for a background on our desktop or having a few christian songs on your play list. There is a feeling you get when you truly give your life to him, you think about him all the time. When you are a Follower you give your life to him, not half, nor 3/4 of it, but all of it. In the end, it all comes down to the relationship you have with God. You may say now that you are a follower of God (And if you do I strongly advise you to read Not A Fan), but I would put your relationship to the test. 

        Like in the Bible, Jesus had 12 Disciples, or Followers, wink wink nod nod. There are millions of stories of Jesus healing the sick or wounded in the Bible, but only 12 followed. So if you get what I mean by the winking and nodding, there are millions of people who say they're followers, but only few today are true followers. I beg you to say a real prayer tonight, not a "Now I lay me down to sleep one"; but as if you were having a full blown conversation, ask him for forgiveness and prey for help to keep the Lord in your mind always. I hope you learned something and will try to take this Chapter to heart I love you guys! 

Hope you liked it!


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