Madison Alamia (1)

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Homecoming. I'm here without a date, unlike Mikey. He got an older girl to take him to homecoming because he said-and I quote- "I ain't missin' a dance for nothin'."

Man I hate his grammar.

It starts off as an awesome night until I see my arch-nemesis. Lana. We've hated each other since the ninth grade and it started with her making fun of my dancing and me showing her up.

We're like oil and water, it's that bad.

It's quiet until I see Lana walk out with her boyfriend on her tail and they aren't talking nicely. Getting bored of the dance, I decide to follow secretly.

"You always do this!" He yells.

"Oh so it's my fault I'm not ready?!" She exclaims.

"Yes! Why don't you just grow up and get over it?!"

I want to interfere but I know I wouldn't be helping.

"This was supposed to be my night! My birthday and you ruined everyhing!" Lana cries.

She's actually crying.

"Good. You deserve it." He scowls and walk back in my direction. I duck into the bathroom and wait for his foot steps to fade.

Once I knew he was gone, I walk out if the bathroom and hesitate to go see if Lana is okay.

"Come out, Madison. I know you're there." Lana says, quietly.

I slowly come out of hiding and walk up to her slowly. "Hey..."

"You saw all that?" She asks bitterly.

"Mostly heard it." I say, awkwardly.

"Well then let the rumours start." She rolls her eyes and wipes away her tears.

"I'm not spreading any rumours. I may not like you very much but that's not who I am." I explain.

"Anyone else would."

"I'm not anyone else." I shrug and Lana looks away.

"I'll take you home." I offer.

"That's fine. I rather walk alone." Lana says, walking back towards the gym.

"It's dark and there are more creeps out there than in the gym. I'll wait for you here." I tell her.

She nods and quickly grabs her coat. The blue dress she wears is now hiden, but her figure is still highlighted and honestly, she's beautiful.

I hate one if the most beautiful girls in my school.

How conveniant.

Lana makes sure she has her phone and then we're off. I was driven by my mom so we're gonna have to walk and honestly, it's nice enough outside to not hate the weather.

" and your ex seem to fight a lot." I say, trying to make conversation.

"Yeah he's not the best. I'm kind if glad it's over." Lana shrugs and smiles lightly. "Why are you being nice to me?"

"No one deserves that. Not even you." I confess.

"Thanks Madison. You're not actually so bad." Lana smiles at me and walks up the steps of a house.

I stay at the bottom of the stairs and watch her.

"Thanks again, Madison." She says, turning around.

"You're welcome, Lana."

She smiles and comes back down the stairs. She kisses my cheek quickly before going back up the steps and into her house.

In my opinion, she's the best arch-nemisis I could ever have.

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