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We all step out of the fire place since we got to Hogwarts by floo powder as we start to dust ourselves off there are 3 teachers in front of us " Hello and welcome to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and wizardry I am Professor McGonagall this is Professor Snape and this is the headmaster Dumbledore you 3 will be sorted into your houses in a moment, the houses are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin while you're here your house will be like your family" Professor McGonagall says "please follow me you will now be sorted into your houses" she states.

The great hall big doors open and all eyes are on us as we walk in it is quite scary really we were used to all the eyes on us at our old school but this was different this was scary. 

There were a few cat calls as we were walking my eyes fell on a pair of golden eyes I noticed he was sitting at the green house table so im guessing that was the Slytherin house.

~Adrian POV~

 her dark luscious brown eyes met mine, I got so lost in her eyes I never wanted to look away, her light-ish brown hair that fell to her shoulders, her slightly freckled cheeks, the way she walked everything about her was beautiful. yes I might be one of the school players but this girl is making me feel something I've never felt before but maybe it was just because I just ate. If there was one thing I've learnt in my life it was that when you felt what I felt just then no matter what happens I will always be happiest when she is around me.

~Constance POV~ 

I looked away I felt myself blush, god what was happening to me I never blush nor have feelings for someone snap out of it Constance its never going to happen. we reached the bottom of the stairs at the top there was a stool and an ancient hat on top of the stool McGonagall was going on about when she calls our names she will place the sorting hat on our heads and that will determine our houses.

"Today 3 new transfers in 4th year will be sorted into their houses now I expect everyone to welcome them to their new school" and with that she picked up the old hat "Pierre Mabuz" I looked over to him he looked so nervous I've never seen him like that before but that was understandable the hat was placed on his head "Hmm smart and brave but yet very cunning and ambitious .. better be SLYTHERIN!" the hat yelled and all the Slytherins were clapping Pierre sat next to the one I made eye contact with then McGonagall yelled again "Dominique Badeaux" she walked up like the bad biddy she is and the hat was on her head "ah another Badeaux a descendant to Salazar Slytherin I see well better be... SLYTHERIN!" the hat yelled for a second time she went and sat opposite to Pierre next to a black haired girl then "Constance Badeaux" McGonagall yelled I walked up and the hat got placed on my head just like the others "ah I see a very secretive person with a big secret, brave yet cunning and a natural born leader better be SLYTHERIN" it yelled making me wince a bit at the noise but im relieved Im with my best friend and my twin.

I sat down next to this tallish very dark haired boy we talked for a bit he said his name was Miles Bletchley and we became friends he showed me to the common room a short while after the black haired girl came in with Dominique then a bunch of boys came in with Pierre. the dark haired girl showed us to our dorm we shared with her and another girl Daphne Greengrass I found out the girl with black hairs name was Pansy Parkinson they were both purebloods thank god, mother and father would have killed Dominique and I if we made friends with mudbloods or muggles since we are apart of the scared 28.

All of us girls went down to the common room and the boys were there I sat next to Miles since he was the only one I knew apart from Pierre but the Daphne was already next to him but anyway.

"Hey why dont we play truth or dare you know to get to know everyone better" Miles suggested there were a lot of "yeah's" or "oks" miles went first "ok Constance truth or dare" he asked me "Truth" I replied "ok, who do you find the hottest here?" he asked "um well I dont really know anyone's names really" I stated " oh true" he said lightly he turned to the other boys he pointed to  blonde haired boy he was kinda cute " that one is Terence Higgs" he said then he pointed to a brunette boy " that is Graham Montague" then he pointed to a black haired boy "that is Marcus Flint" then pointed to a slightly smaller boy " That is Blaise Zabini" then pointed to the boy I saw earlier at the sorting ceremony " and that Adrian Pucey" he said "so now you know their names who do you think is the hottes""he asked  "um well I dont really know any of you but Im going to say Adrian" I said the other boys looked a bit upset but tried not to show it Adrian blushed "ok Pansy Truth or Dare?"  I asked her " Truth" "who do you have your eyes on?" "oh that's easy Draco malfoy" I was shocked then Dominique spoke up "my cousin Draco Malfoy?" "wait you guys are cousins no way do you think you could help me get with him?" she asked us " uh yeah sure" I said happily she was so happy.

after a while of playing Truth or Dare Terence said he had a crush on me so did miles, graham and Marcus had a crush on Dominique, Daphne she had a crush on Blaise he had a crush on her to so they started dating, Adrian kept looking at me and blushed a lot I was dared to do a seven minuets in heaven with Miles it turned into a full on heated pash session we fixed our selves up then walked out on the 7 minuet mark Dominique had to kiss Adrian but it was longer then a kiss he slipped his tongue into her mouth for some reason I was jealous of Dominique its not like I liked Adrian anyway but I couldn't help but feel jealous. 

~Adrian POV~

 It didn't feel right kissing Dominique I mean for some reason when Constance and Miles had to do a 7 minuets in heaven I felt so jealous of Miles that never happens because he is my best mate, I pulled away from Dominique and sat back down she winked at me which was weird.

after a few minuets we all went to bed since we had classes tomorrow.

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