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~Constance POV~

I heard my name being called several times but I just ignored them and continued looking and the lake at the very back of the gardens "Constance!" I heard a very familiar voice call "Adrian?" I said quietly he came running to me "oh god are you alright I've been worried sick you know that right" he said as he pulls me into a tight hug "im sorry I just cant be anywhere near her right now" "hey its okay if it make you feel better you can give me the Dark Mark so you aren't alone" he says "really you want it?" I question "well not really but im going to get it either way" he states "right but just warning you it will hurt for like 1 or 2 minuets" I say very scared to do this "okay but don't you need your wand?" he asked me " oh yeah probably" "accio magicum" I yell and my wand comes flying into my hand.

I pointed my wand to his fore-arm and muttered a spell and the mark appeared on his skin I took my wand away and he rubbed the mark I wiped tears off his cheeks "you will be alright" I said attempting to cheer him up "I'll be alright" he replies.

He pulled me into a hug we stay like for a while before he put a finger on my chin lifting up my head so that I was now facing him "the night is pretty but not as pretty as you" as he finishes his sentence I leant in and our lips met sparks flying everywhere at his touch we pulled away to catch our breath "you are truly mesmerizing you know that" Adrian says to me "yeah I know" I said followed by a wink before starting to head back to the mansion "well are you coming?" I asked him with a slight smirk and with that he came running straight up to me and kissed my cheek, as we continue to walk back. 

"Come on I'll show you to our rooms" I said "alright" we went upstairs to the 5th floor, I noticed they were all in Dominique and I's shared living room " well, well, well back for round 2?" my twin asked "you know I didn't want to do that" I retaliated "WHAT THE FUCK ADRIAN!" Marcus yelled " you got your stupid pathetic little girlfriend to make you a Death Eater " Tracey added "hey! watch who you call pathetic and no I decided that I wanted to be like this beautiful, brave, inspiring girl right here" he added "so what am I then hmm?" my twin said with her stupid puppy eyes "nothing!" he hissed " you weren't saying that after potions the other day" "or maybe you forgot maybe I should remind you. 'oh fuck Dom' 'you are the most important person to me you know that' and oh yeah ' god I fucking love you Dom' did that refresh your memory?" she said with an evil smirk on her face. "Adrian what is she talking about?" I questioned while feeling my stomach sink " oh he didn't tell you? hmm well I guess then I have to tell you, so when you were 'talking' or snogging Pierre after potions, Adrian and I were fucking well I must admit you are one lucky one to get all that!" she said in her bitchy voice "I-is is it true?" I asked him " Constance I-" "IS IT FUCKING TRUE?" I spat, hoping for it not to be true "yeah yes it is" he said quietly avoiding my eyes "and all of you knew?" I questioned them all they all nodded except Terence " you all make me sick" I said on the verge of tears as I left for my room.

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