𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥❤︎❣︎

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Y/n Pov
I woke up with tamaki gone. Like always except this time it hurt a lot more. I felt like I was gonna cry. 'I thought he took the day off..' Today was Valentines Day. The day I both loved and dreded of the year. I slumped out of bed in sweatpants and a hoodie. i decided that I was gonna make up for it by buying lots of sweets and doing my favorite things. I put my hair up in my favorite style and excited rushed down stairs. It was about 1:45pm. I was about to grab my keys and go but the door from the hallway opened and there was tamaki with gift bags and boxes. He stumbled in the house and barely noticed you until he looked up after putting everything done. "Y/n you weren't supposed to be awake yet.." He pouted and threw a red table cloth over the bags. "Its Valentines, I'm up early for this!" Tamaki let out a small laugh and then hugged around my waist and giving my belly butterfly kisses "Baby, 2pm isnt early"

A/N: Please drop some nicknames for tamaki to call you cause I have no idea

he looked at me with puppy eyes "Can you wait upstairs until I finish decorating for you" I rubbed his head and ran my fingers threw his hair "Of course" I kissed him before I went to go wait for him. You went into the bedroom and noticed something on your dresser. It was a card from tamaki and a little red cat plushie.

Dear my beautiful Y/n,

I love you. I know I'm not around as much as I used to be. I know we havent been able to spend as much time together, but If I could I would give everything up to spend all my time with you. I love you more than you can't imagine, even if I'm not good at expressing my love very, just know that its always there. No matter if agrue. I love you, no matter your appearance or hobbies. No matter the way you love or your talking. Because I love it all and wouldn't trade anything for you. I'm gonna try to be home more and spend more time with you. Even if I can't express it much. I love you❤︎

From your fiance, Tamaki

My smile and my blissful moment was interrupted by tamaki calling my name. I rushed down stairs and saw the dinning and living room. He had decorated the living room with my favorite flowers and anime posters. The table had my favorite meal already hot and ready to eat on a red and black table coth. And on the couch had the gifts bags and boxes of chocolates and candies. I kinda felt bad cause it didnt compare to my gift. I had got the both of you couple bracelets. We can send heart and messages and even music to each other from far away. I set the bag and card down on the counter and jump into tamakis arms. He rubbed the back of my head and sat me on his lap. "Do you like it? I only had this morning to get all the stuff I needed and then I had to go get your gifts-" you cut him off "Tamaki I love it" He looked at your gift and then back at you "Can I?"---"Yea of course"
He grabbed the bag carefully and took out two deep red boxes. The watches had a band of sliver and the names in braided in them with the digital watch in the middle. I look over to him and it looked like he was about to cry" Eh? Tamaki! I'm sorry is it not what you wanted?" He put the watch on and turned away. I was confused till my watch rung

'No I love it❤︎'

He sent a purple heart with message. It made me so happy to know I could talk to him more. I handed him the card I wrote.

A/N: I'll let you decide what you want to tell him

He was nearing the end of the card with a smile and his hands shaking a bit. Suddenly his phone glowed with a message, he glanced at it with a glare and put his phone on airplane mode

What was that?

He got up and hugged me happily with the card in his hand. We spent Valentines Day inside, opening gifts, bindging shows and animes while eating our favorite snacks, there was more into the night but I'll save that for another time

"Thank you Y/n, I love you"

"I love you too, more than you know"

He kissed to neck to my cheek

"Always and forever"

A/N:This is not my art, but its cute ❤

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A/N:This is not my art, but its cute ❤

Happy Valentines, I love you all

♡︎ᗰIՏTᗩKᗴՏ ᕼᗩᑭᑭᗴᑎ❤︎//𝖢𝖧𝖤𝖠𝖳𝖤𝖱!𝖳.𝖠𝗆𝖺𝗃𝗂𝗄𝗂 𝗑 𝖸/𝗇♡︎(Done)Where stories live. Discover now