H u g !

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« sorry for not posting, I wasn't sure if I should continue this story! »

Tsukasa reformed his arms into a 'V' shape and thrusts both hands onto Amane's waist; like a chopstick picking on a sushi roll. 

This in itself spooked Amane causing his whole body to tense up like a solid rock. Tsukasa noticed the change in his brother's body and tightened his grip, "Are you not happy to see me?" 

What kind of a question is that


Amane could feel the nails of his brother digging into his clothes; he was ready to get hit verbally, or physically. Flinch

Nothing happened...


"U-uhm.. tsuka..sa?" His gazed trailed off to the boy with the same glossy, charcoal hair as himself. He couldn't see anything because Tsukasa buried his face into Amane's abdomen. 


Out of the blue, Amane could feel something changing about his shirt...


...it was getting...damp?


Tsukasa was starting to tremble...


...his nails dug more into Amane's shirt


He was...






Uwaaa sorry for not posting and sorry for this short chapterr (ㆀ˘・з・˘)

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