001. the swim team

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"Raise your hand if you're a little tipsy, sex with me is like joining the swim team, I'll see you tomorrow night, kansas City!" liv giggled as she sung the personalised outro to the last song of her show before thanking the crowd and dissappearing backstage, where she was greeted by her four year old daughter, sophie
"Mommy!" she squeeled as she jumped out of Patrick's arms and ran up to her mom, jumping into her arms.
"Hey baby girl, did you have a good day?" liv asked, catching her daughter in her arms and lifting her up so she was resting on her hip.
"Yep! uncle patrick has a waterslide now, and I went so fast!" she beamed.
"A waterslide?" liv questioned, turning her head towards her brother as he walked into the room.
"I got one like a month ago." he explained, hugging her and then quickly pushing her away again, grimacing. "Ugh, you're all sweaty."
"Well, performing for nearly two hours can do that to you." she joked back, placing sophie back on the ground and moving over to a small couch so she could take out her inner ears and take her heels off. "Thank you for looking after her, josh was supposed to, but something came up, and -"
"it's fine. we had fun, didn't we soph?" patrick asked his niece, who nodded from where she was now sat on the floor.
"Mommy, what's sex?" she asked her mom, causing patrick to burst into laughter and liv to shoot a glare at him.
"I'll tell you later." she told her daughter, who simply replied with "okay." and went back to what she was doing.
"liv, meetings in five minutes!" The voice of livs publicist, sab, echoed into the room.
"meeting? what meeting?" liv asked, looking at patrick and then at sab, who had walked through the door.
"You didn't tell her?" Sab asked, averting her gaze to patrick.
"I was just about to." he put his hands up in defence, stepping backwards.
"Tell me what? what's going on?" liv asked. her voice was starting to sound panicked, and Sab immediately picked up on it.
"it's just a pr meeting, nothing to worry about." she smiled, but liv wasn't looking.
"something happened, you've got that look." she pointed out as she glared at her brother.
he looked over at Sab, who gave him a small, sympathetic nod.
"Dad got arrested again." he explained.
"Great." liv rolled her eyes and stood up. she her way over to a clothing rack that was in the corner of the room and began rummaging through it.
"And me and brittany have run out of announcements we can make to distract people, so now it's your turn." patrick continued to explain as his sister, who scoffed and rolled her eyes again.
"I have no announcements to make." she shrugged. "Maybe a single from my next album, but that's not gonna distract anyone."she pulled her hoodie over her head and took off her dress underneath it before picking sophie up from the floor, where she was now lying down, nearly asleep. she handed her over to patrick again, and she curled up, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"they said you have to find something to announce, probably that you're getting back with josh or something." he murmered, not actually saying joshes' name outloud in case it upset the little girl in his arms.
"no the fuck I'm not." liv scoffed again, earning herself a laugh from her brother.
"mommy! that's a bad word." sophie scolded, lifting her head up for a moment before flopping back down on her uncles shoulder.
"sorry baby." liv apologised and kissed the top of her daughters head before dissapearing out of the room.

when she found the room the meeting was in, she was surprised to see three other people in there as well as sab. the only other face she could see was her manager, Lucy. she walked in and the two men turned aroumd, revealing their faces. she only recognised one guy and that was none other than travis kelce, her brothers teammate and best friend.
he smiled at her as she sat down, both of them knowing exactly what was coming.

The room buzzed with tension as Liv and Travis sat across from their respective managers. The air crackled with unease, the weight of uncertainty hanging heavily over their heads.
"Listen, guys," Andre began, leaning forward with his elbows propped on the table. "We've been thinking..."
Lucy picked up where he left off, her voice laced with a mix of excitement and trepidation. "...And we believe that a fake engagement could be exactly what both of your careers need right now."
Liv's eyebrows shot up in surprise, her gaze darting to Travis as if seeking confirmation that she'd heard correctly. "A fake engagement?" she echoed incredulously. "Are you serious?"
Travis shifted uncomfortably in his seat, feeling the heat of Liv's stare burning into him. This was insane. Fake engagements were reserved for Hollywood stars, not NFL players and singers.
"i know people would like it," he responded dryly, crossing his arms over his broad chest. "But I don't see how this would benefit either of us. We're not actors, we're athletes and musicians - we're not like... promoting anything."
Andre cleared his throat, his usually confident demeanor wavering slightly under the scrutiny of his client.
"Look, Travis, I get it. But hear me out. It's not just about boosting sales and ticket numbers. There's something else at play here."
Lucy chimed in, her tone earnest and persuasive. "Public perception, darling. People love a good romance, especially when it involves celebrities. And given your personal history..."
Andre continued, his eyes never leaving Travis' face. "Let's face it, buddy. Your love life is practically nonexistent. Fans want to see you with someone special, someone who makes you happy. An engagement could do wonders for your reputation."
Lucy nodded in agreement, her expression sympathetic as she turned to Liv.
"Your family situation isn't helping matters, liv. They're all over the tabloids, and it's starting to reflect poorly on you." She leaned forward, resting her forearms on the table. "People need a distraction, something positive to latch onto. And a high-profile engagement might just provide that."
Liv sighed deeply, running a hand through her dark brown curls as she considered their argument.
"This is all well and good, but there's one small problem. My brother is best friends with Travis, hes going to hate him." Liv's words hung heavy in the air, a bombshell dropped amidst the carefully constructed plan. Both men stiffened at the mention of Patrick, their brows furrowing in silent understanding.
"well," Andre muttered under his breath, rubbing at the bridge of his nose.* "We didn't think of that."
Lucy pursed her lips thoughtfully, her gaze flicking back and forth between the two athletes.
"Well, we can't tell him. If anyone finds out it's fake, the whole thing will crumble."
Travis scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief. "So you want us to keep this secret from my best friend? From the guy who knows me better than anyone?"
"the only other person that would make the headlines with this is josh."
Liv shook her head, her voice barely above a whisper.
"i cant- im not doing that to sophie."
Travis's heart clenched at the desperation in Liv's voice, the pleading look in her eyes as she stared at her manager. He knew he couldn't refuse this, not when he saw how much it affected her. With a heavy sigh, he reached under the table and squeezed her hand.
"Okay," he relented, his thumb brushing over her knuckles in a comforting gesture. "I'll do it. But we have to be careful. If Pat finds out..."
He trailed off, leaving the sentence unfinished. The implications were clear - if their ruse was discovered, the fallout would be catastrophic.
Andre and Lucy exchanged triumphant glances, relief washing over their features.
"Don't worry," he assured them, a grin spreading across his face. "We'll handle everything. All you need to do is play your parts convincingly."
Both managers looked pleased with themselves, clearly satisfied with the outcome of the meeting. Andre pulled out a stack of documents from his briefcase, sliding them across the table towards the pair.
"Just initial here," he said, pointing to the bottom of each page. "It's a non-disclosure agreement. No one can know about this except for us four."
Travis skimmed over the document, his brow furrowed in concentration. After a moment, he signed his name at the bottom and passed it back to Andre.
"this is ridiculous" he murmured, giving Liv another reassuring squeeze on her hand.
Liv followed suit, her signature neat and precise compared to Travis' scrawl. She handed the paper back to Andre with a nod of agreement.
"Thank you," she whispered, her gaze locked onto Travis's as the ink dried on the nondisclosure agreements, a strange sense of calm settled over the group. The deal had been sealed, and now it was time to put their plan into action.

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