Ask 5, Dare 7 & 8 And Someone Else?

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*knocking on the door

Rach: *opens the door* hi?

Outer: uh hi someone told me to come here for some asks and dares? Sorry I'm late I kinda spaced out when I read it

Rach: pfft lol. And yeah I was the one who sent it, come right in outer!

Outer: oh hey classic. It's been awhile since we sirius-ly got to hang out and see each other again!

Classic: outer! Nice to see you again buddy.
But is that really your best pun? Comet me bro


Fell: What's the matter blue? You seem like you want us to shuttle hell up? For what reason might I ask?

Rach: okok let's not torment blue with any more puns. Lol. Let's get started with the dares and asks!

Tick: I am very much capable of doing my work myself thank you

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Tick: I am very much capable of doing my work myself thank you. Though I did need dream's help one time but thats all.

 Though I did need dream's help one time but thats all

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Everyone turns to dance: what the hell is macarena?

Dance: Oh uhm it's uhm... I don't know how to explain it heh.

Abyss & cross: why don't you show us?

Dance: uHM no its fine! Rach can just show you a video of it!!!

Dream: Oh come on dance, it can't be that bad right?

Dance pulls his hoodie down and pulls on the strings as tight as he can so that it covers his whole face and starts

Dance with a muffled voice: just follow as I do...

Classic, outer, abyss, mecha, cross, Geno, reaper, kin, dream, killer, horror, PJ and ink seem to have a hard time doing it. Dance makes it look so easy

Beats, blue and fresh is somehow doing it quite well

Dust, Tick, Nightmare, Error and Fell refuses to do it

-after a break-

-after a break-

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Rach: Oh boy. Welp you read it guys, sorry

Nightmare: WAIT WHAT?

Dream: it's fine brother... Its only for the next 3 asks and dares...


Rach: sorry night but a dare is a dare, I'll spare him the transformation and make it instant I guess

*dream is now shattered dream for the next 3 asks/dares

Reaper:  ... Just get on with it.. The faster it's done the sooner it will be over..

Geno: I guess it's a goodbye for now everyone

*Geno is now fatal error for the next 3 asks/dares

Dust turns Rach blue and pulls her close


Blue: its ok dust. I will be back to normal after 3 ask or dares *smiles and puts his hand on his shoulder* the magnificent sans believes you can hold on for that long!

Dust: *hugs blue* fine, you better not get yourself hurt

*blue is now dusttrust blue for 3 ask/dares

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