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At 11:11pm, you make a wish. Right? I’m Alice Winters. I live on the outskirts of London. I’m fifteen and in exactly 30 days, I will be 16. At 11:11pm I make a wish everyday. That wish, is to have my first kiss before I’m sixteen. Because it’s bad luck to not have had your first kiss by the time you’re 16. The down side to this is that: I don’t have a boyfriend. Which means, I have nobody to kiss. But, (there’s always a but. (Lol. I said but.)) There is this one boy I like. He’s called Liam. He’s in every class with me and my form. He has blue/grey eyes, which look like the ocean after there has been a storm, and jet-black hair, which used to be styled like Justin Beiber’s old hairstyle, with the bit that used to hang over his eyes now held up in a kind of quiff. He has very pale skin, not ugly pale like Snow White pale. I remember in Year Seven when I first met him I asked him: “Are you a vampire?” He laughed and said no. At the time I thought: Shame. I’d love something like Twilight. But I’d never say that out loud.

A/N: It's a short Prologue but hey! I came up with this. :) YAY! Lemme know what you think... LOVE YOU CURLY FRIES!! xxx 

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