Chapter 24.

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"Xander no!" I said under A big Xander,in the bed.

"Oh come on,gattina!" He tried for the fifth time.
"Just one more time,then you can shower. They won't be home until one hour!" He whined,as I pushed him off of me,making him land on the other side of the big bed.

"Yeah,you have said that five times! I won't be able to walk later. And...maybe you can have more tomorrow..." I said and looked back behind my shoulder as I sat on the edge of the bed.

"But I can't get enough of you. You're like my drug. And I can't stop." He said with a pout on his lips.

Wow. Xander Dattilo,31 year old,are begging me for more sex. Never thought that would come.

"No. I will take a shower now-WITHOUT YOU! And then you will take a shower alone,and we will fix us,and then go downstairs and prepare dinner for everyone!" I said,and pushed me off the bed. Going to the bathroom.

"Ahh,fiiine!" He said. I giggled at his action,and closed the door. I took a hot,nice good shower. Once I was done,I got out from the shower and looked myself in the mirror.

Jesus fucking christ.

My hair looks like a bird nest,and my eyes are red...and I have red big marks all over my fucking neck.

"Xander!!" I yelled as I winced a little as I touched the suckmarks.

"Yeah?" He yelled from outside the bathroom. I opend the door,and saw him all fixed and done. He wore a pair of light brown shorts,white buttom up shirt, a watch and a pair of white shoes.
(Outfit at the bottom.)

"I...uhm..." I just stared. Fuck he's hot.

"Yeah?" He said,looking back at me who only wore a towel.

"Yeah,right! Didn't I tell you not to make suckmarks!? What will your family think?" I said and pointed at the purple marks all over my neck. What he said next made me blush...

"Well you didn't really complain when You screamed'fuck yes daddy,harder,ahh im gonna cum' he said and put on a confident hot smirk on his lips.

"Okay,shhh!! What if they're home,they could've heard you!!" I said and tried to hush him. But he only laughed.

"They will be here in like 15 minutes. So get ready,I will go downstairs,cause if I stay here I will bend you over on that sink and fuck you hard again."And with that he turned his heels and walked out of the room,leaving me with my mouth open.

Right. Get ready.

I dried myself,and put on a white tight dress,that ended mid thigh,it had like flower patterns and tip's pattern. It was really gorgeous. I also put on a pair of white high heels,that had diamond theme on the ankles.
(Outfit at the bottom.)
I put my dark brown hair in a messy,but still not,bun with a barette in. I looked beautiful actually!

When I had dressed,I took some concealer and covered the suck marks...

Fucking Xander.

It covered,thankfully!!

I got out from the room,and walked downstairs. I saw Xander and some other man that I have never met before. Xander looked a lot like him. He also had tattoos,brown dark hair,but with a few grey strands in it. Brown eyes,and same straight nose.

When they heard my heels on the steps they turned to me. Xander smiled and licked his lips,making me blush crimeson. And the other man,who I guess is his uncle,he just looked back and forth between me and Xander and smiled a warm smile.

✔️𝑈𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙 𝐷𝑒𝑎𝑡ℎ 𝐷𝑜 𝑈𝑠 𝐴𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡.18+(𝐵𝑂𝑂𝐾 1)   Where stories live. Discover now