Chapter 3

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"Have you seen the new guy?"

"What?" Ava turned to Ashley, who had been a member of the fencing team last year. Ava was distracted; she could not help but think about her upcoming date with Sean.

"The new guy," Ashley pressed, "Have you seen him?"

"Um no I don't think so. Who is it?" Ava asked.

"His name's Logan. He's gorgeous! I think he worked at, like, a modeling company or something. Anyways, he's in your grade. You guys are so lucky you get all the hot guys." Ashley was only a sophomore, "Luke, Davis, Sean, and now Logan!"

Ava perked up at the sound of Sean's name. "Wait, you know Sean?" She asked Ashley, confused.

"Sean Downs? Everyone's heard of him." She responded incredulously. "He's a major player, super hot and I've heard he's funny, but a big player. Why?"

Ava was sure she blushed. "Um, no reason. He was just in my history class this morning." She looked at the clock in the locker room. "Look, we better get ready. We're definitely not getting on the team if we get out there late."

Ashley nodded in agreement and the girls began to put on their work-out clothes. Ava was happy Coach was not making them wear their knickers for practice this year. Fencing knickers were the world's worst invention; they were hideous knee length white pants with suspenders and were very uncomfortable.

After braiding her hair, Ava swung her fencing bag, full of her equipment, on her shoulder, left the locker room, and entered the fencing gym.

As far as most fencing facilities went it was really spacious. There were six electric pistes, fencing strips, and there was even a seating area for spectators.

Ava hurriedly dropped her bag on the side of the room and walked out to join Avery, who was warming up on a strip.

"Hey Avery!"

Avery looked at her coldly. "Hi."

Ava started to stretch her muscles. "Do you know how many people are trying out?"

Avery studied her carefully for a moment before answering. "Well you, Ashley, and I all are. And I think we have a couple of freshmen girls." She pointed to a group of tall, skinny girls standing in a corner gossiping. But I don't think there'll be much competition for us. If you, Ashley, and I all make it there's still a spot left over."

"How bout for the guys?" Ava asked curiously.

"There are a lot more of them, as normal." Avery continued talking but Ava stopped listening as she saw Sean enter the gym. He looked around and then, after seeing her, waved and sat down in the spectator area. "Um, were you listening to anything I said?" Ava turned to face Avery who was in the middle of a lunge glaring at her.

"Um not really." Ava blushed. "What were you saying?"

Avery groaned in frustration. "I said there's a new guy who's trying out. His name's Logan Martin." She pointed across the gym to a tall, muscular, brown haired boy who was warming up on a strip alone.

"He's pretty hot." Ava said. "Ashley was telling me about him."

"He's also really nice. I have a lot of classes with him." Avery responded. It looked like she was going to say more but just then Coach stepped out of her office.

"Alright! Everyone get your electric gear on! Tryouts are, as normal, a tournament. The tournament's co-ed but there's one girls' team and one guys' for national tournaments. I'm calling pools in five minutes! Be ready by then or you're not on the team."

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