Chapter Sixteen

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The middle of nowhere is where Caroline planned their little camping trip. Hope opened her eyes when she felt the bus come to a stop, she realized she was using Josie's shoulder as a pillow. She sat up really quickly, hoping she hadn't drooled or anything. Josie's soft featured face told Hope she was still asleep, it gave her a second to compose herself before Dr. Saltzman woke them all.

They disembarked from the bus, lining up just outside of it. Half of the class looked like they had just woken up. "Alright everyone." Caroline demanded their attention. "Your first task is to divide and conquer." She pointed to Raf, Lizzie, Josie, Hope, and Kaleb. "You will be leading the factions, the first task you will be divided by them. Vampires will collect wood and make a fire, as well as hunt for berries that can be consumed. Werewolves will be the planners for a shelter, it has to fit a couple of people." She took a breath and turned to her daughters. "And the witches will be building it." Everyone looked confused. "It is a challenge because they are tasks in which you can't use your powers. Werewolves and vampires with their strength would easily be able to build a shelter. Witches and Wolves are so connected to nature, looking for natural food and making a fire would be second nature, and vampires would find live food in seconds."

"The point is no powers." Dr. Saltzman clarified. "You can't use any of your gifts during the tasks so we gave you tasks more or less against your nature."

This was all starting to weigh on Hope for one very good reason... she wondered if this is what it felt like to be chosen last in gym class. "What about me?" She reluctantly asked.

"You're on our team." Lizzie called. "You're a witch first and werewolf second, and you're not even a vampire yet."

"Hope will not be joining you Lizzie." Caroline announced, dread filling Hope. "Hope has a very special task."

"What about Wade then?" Lizzie interrupted. "He isn't a witch."

Caroline looked like she was losing her patience with her daughter. "No but he is close enough to be on the team." Her eyes flicked back to Hope, almost sympathetically. "Hope is going to be making sure everyone is taking breaks and remaining hydrated."

"What?" Lizzie continued to protest. "Why?"

"Hope is a natural leader, as well as being all the factions in one, she is always made to take charge." People started to protest, Hope just wanted to fade. Caroline held up a hand to silence them. "How many of the monsters did Hope single handedly kill, or at least assist?" There was no answer. "We are all here to learn something, Hope needs to learn to let others take the reins."

"It's fine." Hope said through clenched teeth.

"Last thing." Caroline announced. "Whatever team is unsuccessful will sleep outside, we only brought enough tents for two teams." That is when the chaos erupted.

Hope just walked over to the side to stand with Caroline and Dr. Saltzman. "I hope you don't think this is a punishment." Caroline said to her. "You need to learn to step back just as they need to learn to step up." Hope nodded, she did think it felt like a punishment but she couldn't voice that. Being the leader, the all mighty tribrid, made her feel like she was something important. For now all she could do was fetch them water. This was going to suck.

Two hours had passed and for the most part the factions were making ground in their tasks. Hope walked around the factions, offering water, and energy bars. The vampires had an impressive stack of firewood built by the pit they had crafted. Currently MG and Kaleb were talking about what was the best way to start the fire. Kaleb continued to tell MG about all the fires he had to start for the barbeque contests in his family, MG argued it wasn't the same thing. Hope knew how to start a fire... without magic, it was simple but she kept her mouth shut and offered the boys a snack. "I don't suppose Dr. S packed us any blood bags." Kaleb asked, taking a hesitant bite of his energy bar.

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