Chapter Thirty-Four

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Hope felt like she had been run over with a truck, drowned in a lake, and run six marathons all in one afternoon. Her head pounded and her vision throbbed behind her closed eyes. Relieving her entire tragic history seemed like a better idea yesterday, however now, she wasn't sure. She felt like she had opened up a hole in her chest, one she had been slapping bandaids on for years. It was now red and raw, but it seemed like it was no longer jagged on the edges as it had been before. Something had smoothed out the tear in her, and perhaps it would heal more easily. She did feel a little bit different. Relieved didn't seem right, nor did happiness, seeing her parents again, seeing their deaths again, had left her ragged and like the small girl she used to be, so powerful but had no control over anything. She was that girl trapped by the Hallow, cold and scared. However she did feel different in some way, perhaps she was more equipped to handle it better this time.

She managed to open her eyes against the pain, the light overhead was not making it easy for her. As soon as she turned her head she saw her aunt Keelin at her bedside. She was back in her bedroom at her aunt's house. "How are you feeling?" She asked while placing the back of her hand against Hope's forehead.

The words make the other two people in the room take notice. Josie had been pacing, chewing on her thumbnail, a worried frown on her face. Lizzie sat on her dresser, head down like she didn't care but the second Keelin spoke, her blue eyes snapped to Hope's and relief washed over her expression. Something fluttered in Hope's chest at the sight of the twins, this perhaps was the difference she felt. She had people to stand with her.

Hope cleared her raw throat and sat up with Keelin's aid. "Like I exploded from the inside out." 

Josie had moved to sit on the edge of the bed, grabbing Hope's hand, Hope squeezed her fingers.

Keelin passed her a large glass of water and some painkillers. "Well, my medical diagnosis is exhaustion, most likely a mix of magic and emotions." A small smile. "You just need rest and lots of food, and I wouldn't try using your magic for a while."

Hope gulped the water, feeling it ease her throat. "How long have I been asleep?" "A couple of hours," Josie answered her.

Hope nodded. "Where are my aunts?"

"Downstairs with Nik," Keelin said. "We didn't want to crowd you but these two refused to leave you alone." Hope felt a smile start on her face, especially when Lizzie started to fumble through an excuse to be there other than to make sure Hope was okay.

"Thank you." She said to them. "I don't think I could have handled waking up alone."

Lizzie stopped her excuses and formed a small smile on her face. "Well, I think I better go see if your aunt needs help with dinner." She said sliding off the dresser and quickly exiting the room. Keelin silently exited behind her.

Josie slid up closer to her on the bed. "I was scared when you didn't wake up." Her brow furrowed. "I thought something bad happened to you." She absently rubbed her thumb along the back of Hope's hand. "You could have leveled New Orleans with the amount of magic you expelled."

Hope's smile strained a bit. "Freya told me that happens with witches like us." She pulled Josie up so she was sitting next to her, Josie rested her head on Hope's. "I am glad I didn't. This city might hold a lot of pain for me but it is still my home. As much as the Salvatore school is. As much as you and Lizzie are."

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