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how'd i get dragged into this, maybe it won't be that bad.

"reki is that a blush on your face? if you're gonna keep staring might as well go up to her" you said teasing him

"so cute, that what your face says" langa said as he stood by your side.

"no way"

"so, someone like that is your type"

"don't bother. you're in a different world from her"

"what do you mean by that ? you never know unless i talk to her!" the red head yelled out.

"oh shit it could be like one of those romantic shows in which the rich girl falls for the boy she isn't supposed to" you happily said.

"y/n you didn't strike me as a romance person" langa said.

"hush please"

"langa go talk to her" reki told him,

"why me?"

"you know if it's me they get cautious"

"know your place" miya teased him.

"shut up"

"oh can i go flirt with her!" you said smiling at them.

"in japan , how do you approach someone?" langa asked.

"ah like where are you from?"

"like are you hungry"

the two of the said as sparkles seemed to surround them.

"she's not you"

"nor you reki. we're in a ferry departing from okinawa, so of course she's from okinawa"

how is a 13 year old smarter than reki.

"just dice roll at her or something that always works" you shrugged.

"it does?" reki asked you happily.

"no dumbass"

"do you guys want to know a story" you said looking at reki as he knew what you were about to say.

"please don't"

"oh please tell us y/n" miya said happily.

"so during the beginning of last year , reki liked this girl and when he went to confess to her on valentines, she also had like this heart shape candy and was walking our way"


"when reki told her that he liked her, she told him that she wasn't there for him and then she confess her love for me" you said as miya and shadows started laughing.

"what happened afterwards" langa asked you as reki looked like he wanted to throw you overboard for telling them.

"eh i didn't know her that well so i said no but we are good friends now" you said putting on your headphones.

"what?" the girl that reki found cute said.

"i do a bit of skateboarding but if you'd like-"

"hello yeah sorry, oh wait. hey you?" she said pointing at you.


" i like your outfit" she said before walking away.

"you just got rejected" miya and shadow started laughing.

"that misunderstanding is so embarrassing!"

"and she complemented y/n"

"don't worry" langa said trying to cheer him up.

12:34am | langa hasegawaWhere stories live. Discover now