Chapter 25.

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As we all had eaten and talked,I gave my Queen her gift. It was a necklace. I bought it while she was sleeping in the car on the way here. I wamted to suprise her. Give her something she deserved. A crown. A queen neds to have a crown.

"Goodnight Love." My mother said and kissed Evangeline's cheek,aswell Lovisa. She amd Evangeline clicked really good! That's a nice feeling. That she has clicked with everyone here. That makes me happy.

"So are you ready to go to sleep?" I asked her,as we now were all alone in the kitchen. My hamds sneaked up her waist,pulling her closer to me. I kissed her in a rough kiss. Showing her my desire thru it.

I want her. And now!

"Xander nooo!" She whimed while she pulled away,only for my lips to find her neck. She gasped at the feeling. Making me smirk. Knowing the power I have over her.

"C'mon,let's go upstairs." She said,taking my hand in her's and dragging me along her in the stairs.

"Wait,go in the room. I'll come in one minute!" I said and kissed her lips.

"Okay. I have a present for you also. Knock before you go in." She said,bitting her bottom lip. I looked her in the eyes,and kissed her one more time before she got into the room.

I need to warn Giovanni first...

I walked to the end of the hall,it was only our's and Giovannis bedroom up here. The others were even one stair up,or one stair down.

Giovanni opend the door,with a towel hanging around his waist.

"Sup man?" He asked lokking at me with a 'what?' Look.

"You should problaly take your headphones...." I said and cleared my theoat from nothing at all.

"Ahh man! Can't you just wait to dip your dick tomorrow?" He said,with a annoying look.

"No. Headphones. Now!" I said and closed the door,before going to our door. I knocked and What I saw made my eyes almost pop out. My moth for sure was wide open. In front of me stood my girl. My beautiful,Evangeline. She had an White lingerie on. Tip pattern.
(Outfit in the bottom)

"Per favore, dio mi aiuti" I said as I took in the queen in front of me.
(Please god help me)
"Come!" She said and took my arm,and dragged me in to the room. I closed the door,and locked it. As soon as I did that,my lips found her's.

"My make me so hard,gattina. You don't understand." I said in our kiss. Deepen it. Making it more full of desire. Lust.

I picked her up so that her legs were around my waist as I carried her to the bed. I put her down carefully and kissed her neck. Down to her colar bone. Earning a moan from her. Her hands found my curly brown hair. Carefully taking her hands in it.


My hands found his brown dark locks. The pleasure that he was giving me was unreal. All this was unreal. Me,him. Me laying here,with this king on me. Me being his queen,as he likes to call me.



"Mmm,can I try something on you?" I asked Xander,as he was in my neck. Still his legs between mine.

"Of course. But only if you want to." He said breaking his kisses.

"Thank you. I need you to take of your pants and lay on your back..." I said shyly,hoping he would like this.

Please,wattpad. Please tell me you're working...

"Hmm,okay,gattina." He said and did as he was told. When he was laying on his back,I straddled him. Humping him a little. Still my lingerie on and his boxers.

"Ahh,fuck baby." He growled,taking a grip on my hips,moving them faster,harder. We both sounded like dogs when it is hot outside. But I broke it of.

"What's wrong?" He asked confused and worried he did something wrong.

"Nothing. Nothing at all!" I said as I got on my knees. Taking of his boxers,only to make his big,big erected cock spring free in my face. I gulped and looked up at him. He was shocked at this. Me. Sitting on my knees,in front of his big cock.

I didn't waist any time,my hands found his big shaft,and I pumped it up and down. He sat up,but still he just looked at me. My every move. His head fell back as I tighted my grip,and moved faster,and faster.

Now time för the big finale.

My toumge found his tip,making his mouth fall open. I sucked on his tip,licking amd sucking as much as I could. After a little while,I took as much of his cock I could. I really tried to but it's hard when he has a monster cock.

"oh fanculo piccola!" He moaned with his eyes closed and mouth open.
(Oh fuck baby)

I sucked and gave him my first blowjob. He cummed in my mouth,and I licked every last dropp of him.

"You're a little naughty girl aren't you?" He said and lifted my chin to look at him.

"Yes...Daddy." I said. And I swear to god,as soon those words left my moth his eyes turned black. He fast lifted me up,taking of my lingerie. And slamming inside of me hard.

"Ahhh fuuck!!" I yelled out,at the pain and pleasure at the same time. It was a wonderful mix.

"Yeah,just like that!" He said as I was under him. In one fast motion,he swung me over,making my ass up in the air and my head down in the pillow. He fast again slammed inside of me,going deeper in this position.

"Yes,Daddy,please harder!" I screamed. And he did as I asked.

After a while we came togheter,and it was wonderful. We didn't fuck more after that. We just layed there,enjoying each other's company. And till last we fell asleep.

I think I will fall for him...If I don't already have...





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