A valentines adventure

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"Ow! stupid needles!"

Miles came inside chos lab while eating some goldfish. When he went in the lab, he only saw a wagon with a few things, two chibi plushies and a whole mess in general. Once he looked to the left, he saw Amadeus reaching for one of his cabinets looking for something.

Miles: You good man? I heard something while walking.

Amadeus: Yeah, I need to hurry up. I have to pick up y/n in..

He looked at his timer to see how much time he had left. His eyes widened and raced against the clock.

Amadeus: Less than 4 minutes! Miles, get the wagon to the boat outside, and head to the beach!

Miles: Wait wh-

Too late. Amadeus quickly suited up and flew out of the triskelion, heading to y/n's house. Miles groaned while getting the stuff to the "boat" that he said.

Meanwhile with y/n

Y/n: Hm, would he like the ribbon with a green or-

*knock knock*

Y/n looked to her window and opened the curtains. She opened the door to see Amadeus turning off his suit and getting out a small paper heart.

Amadeus: Happy valentines day y/n!

Y/n: Awww Amadeus!

Amadeus: Uhm, I dont know if asking your partner to be your valentine is something you have to do, so will you?

Y/n: Is that even something I have to answer? You already know the answer!

Miles: Miles to the person who got pinched by a lot of needles, I got your surprise to the beach, now get your butts over here before its going to get late!

Amadeus looked down at his watch and turned silent. He turned around and whispered into it.

Cho: Yeah, Im coming!

Y/n: Speaking of surprises, What color ribbon or ribbons would you want on your present?

Amadeus: Red and (your favorite color)

Y/n got two ribbon strips and combined them into a bow. She got the present and stood in front of Amadeus.

Amadeus: Should we get going?

Y/n: Yeah, we should!

Amadeus suited up and got y/n out of her window, carefully. Once she was out of her window, he wrapped an arm around her and held her tight. They headed to the beach, which wasn't far. Once they got there, Amadeus scanned the area to see if it was safe to land. Once it was all clear, he landed and turned his suit into a backpack once again. He looked around and saw miles waving from the boat

Miles: Welp, I'll leave you both to your romance jazz. 

Miles quickly swung out of the boat, while Amadeus and y/n got on the boat. Once they got on the boat, Amadeus flipped a switch, pushed two buttons and put a key in. The boat started to proceed and headed on to the ocean.

Amadeus: Hey, if your sea sick or dont feel well, let me know. I dont want you to feel sick while on here, or something like that.

Y/n: Oh, its fine! So far its actually nice!

Amadeus: Yeah, i gue- Ow!

Amadeus looked at his finger and saw blood dripping from his finger. He forgot to get a bandage on his finger which caused a few more small blisters.

Amadeus: Sorry if I scared you y/n, I forgot to ge-

Y/n grabbed his hand, a water bottle and a cloth. She poured a bit of water on the cloth, and put it on his finger. He flinched a bit when it stung.

Amadeus: Thanks, I guess.

After a while, they were watching the sunset, eating snacks, and exploring some marine facts.

Amadeus: Hey, I made you something by the way.

He got a white box out and gave it to y/n. She opened it and her eyes widened with a smile.

Y/n: These are so cute!!

She grabbed out a chibi plushie or Amadeus and y/n. He gave her the plushie with a green jacket while he took the y/n one.

Amadeus: I made these so if we ever feel a bit lonely and can't see each other, we have something from each other. I really love every single moment I have with you, and I want to spend it with you, or uhm.. Shit, what else was I supposed to say?

Amadeus looked at y/n and turned red.

Amadeus: Imsorry! ItsjustthatIdontknowhowtodoaconfessionan-

Y/n gave a small peck in the lips to him and booped her chibi Cho on his forehead.

Y/n: Hey, I get that your not good at saying what you feel, but you showed it, and thats ehat matters!

Amadeus:I uhm- Yeah, I guess I did.

Suddenly, the boat started shaking.

Y/n: Whoa! What was that?!

Amadeus quickly suited up, and got y/n out of the boat. While holding on to y/n, he got one of his repolsers fired up and ready. He suddenly heard a bit of laughing coming from underneath. The web warriors with their underwater suits, got up and started laughing at Cho.

Amadeus: Oh god, here comes the-

Peter: What did you think we were? A sea creature?

He started laughing while laying back into the water.

Ben: Best idea the punk has ever had in his life.

Peter suddenly got up from the water and pointed at him.

Peter: Hey! I've always had great ideas!

Amadeus: Ok, ok! Now can you guys please leave?

Miles: Yeah, we will. Later Cho!

The others and miles dragged a laughing peter and left them alone, while the sun was completely down.

Amadeus: Were we out that long?

Y/n: I guess, but hey, I got something for you too!

She gave him the box with the combined ribbons. Amadeus untied the ribbons and opened the box to see a pair of fingerless gloves

An: Ok, this would be hard for me to explain in 3rd person, but y/n made one of the gloves a iron spider design and the other one her style/ design. Back to the chapter.

Amadeus put the gloves on and wrapped y/n in a big hug.

Amadeus: I love them so much! I'll take good care of them, dont worry! Speaking of which, I need to get you home. Its late and I dont want to keep you awake.

Y/n: Aww man!

Amadeus: No buts! You heading back!

He opened a control panel and had the boat head back to the triskelion while he picked up y/n with a bag of leftover snacks and her items. Once they were back to y/n's house, he got her items through the window and carefully got y/n inside. He gave her a kiss on the forhead and headed off.

Happy valentine's day :'D

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