Gender bender pt.3

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HAZAAAAAAAH! I have returned for the millionth time. (Im so sorry) but anyways, one month left of school, so chapters in the summer :D
(Oh, and thank you for 1k reads!!!!)
Anyways, on with the chapter.

As the days went by, there wasn't much process. Amanda was still trying to reverse the effects but not much process. They still had to go to school as normal. Elizabeth was getting kind of used to it, but still refused to head to school.

Everyone else headed to midtown and went their separate ways. Miranda headed to her chemistry class and sat down. There were a few minutes left so Miranda just did random doodles or played around with other things. A small group of girls came in and sat down. One came up with a invitation and sat down next to Miranda.

"Hey, your one of the new girls right?"

Miranda: Oh, Yeah! Im Miranda,what about you?

"Oh, my name's Lillian. So,I was wondering if you could come to my sleepover?"

Miranda: Hmmm, I'll think about it.

"Oh ok! My number and adress are on there. Class is about to start, later!

"Bye Lillian!"

Time skip to lunch

"Hey! Amanda wait up!"

Amanda turned around to see Michael walking up to her.

Amanda: Uhh hey?

Michael: Hey! I thought we could head in and just chat. How's it going so far?

Amanda: I guess great. Y/n is helping me out get used to the place.

Michael: Yeah, she's really amazing isnt she?

Amanda: Yeah.

Michael: I should get going. Nice talking to ya!

Michael waved and headed to the cafeteria. Amanda finally got there and sat down next to y/n.

Amanda: Hey, Y/- Ohhhh...

Petra: What? Do I have something on my face?

Amanda: Funny that you say that while having a few bruises. What happened?

Petra: Alright, Here's the thing..

Flashback to a few hours ago

Petra walked the halls as normal. There were a few students standing and talking. As petra went pass the next corner, she stopped in her tracks. One boy was grabbing another person by his hair.

"Awww did the doggy have enough punishment for today?"


"HA! And you think im gonna liste- ARGH!"

Petra blew a punch to his face. The guy got back up looked at petra.

Petra: He said leave him alone. Did you not listen?

"So you want to end up like the crybaby over here? Bring it then. There's nobody here, and everyone's in class."

The guy grabbed petra by the shirt and slammed her to the lockers. The other boy got up and kicked the dude's balls. "Get off her you moron!"

"HEY!' The three stopped to face "principal" coulson standing there with his arms crossed. "Nathan, your detention will be extended. Again." Nathan rolled his eyes and walked away. "Parker, mind taking him to the infirmary?"

Petra: Yeah. Cmon, lets go.

Petra got the boy and headed to the nurse. Once they arrived, both sat at the beds, awkwardly without saying anything.

"So you're peter's cousin?"

Petra: What?

"Your last name has parker, so I kinda assumed."

Petra: Ohhh yeah! Uhm, No! I mean, im peter's sibling and I just transferred here for a while!

"YOU STUPID DUMBASS! WHAT KIND OF LAME EXCUSE IS THAT?? You're a only child! Ughhh now I gotta think of something when im back to normal. Great."

"Awh. Well, I appreciate what you did back there."

Petra: Then we talked for a while. Oh! His name is sean by the way. Yeah, yeah. Laugh all you want at the excuse.

Amanda: Im not laughing, I swear!

Miranda: Oh yeah, guys?

Y/n: What's up?

Miranda: I got invited to a sleepover. I said I'd think about it. Should I go?

Y/n: I mean, you can if you want to.

Miranda: Cool! I'll be back by probably 9am.

Petra: Oh by the way, I found a flyer earlier about a swap shop thats 2 hours away. Once your done with your sleepover, we could all go there.

Amanda: Isnt it those public stands where people sell what they have?

Petra: I guess, but this one says it has rides. Maybe we can explore and see anything we like.

The rest of the day went by as normal. Petra's injuries healed and Miranda went to the sleepover. Elizabeth finally ended her nightmare, and Amanda is making progress on turning them back to normal.

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