Chapter Thirteen: Im an innocent citizen!

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Hearing the heavy breathing through the coms made me nervous.

How could she run into trouble as soon as we walk through the bloody door.

I mean, the boys won't want to admit it but they do care for her.

Not like they show it, but they do.

Walking through another doorway, to see more paintings.
They must steal in their spare time. Damn who knew that these mechanical engines could be thieves..

Dragging my hand across them, dust being left on my fingers. They must be old, older then a week surely.

So they couldn't of stolen these..

A loud bang was produced making me freeze. That introduced our arrival perfectly, note the sarcasm..

" What did you do?" Tyler whispered as I physically want to beat the person who had just done that.

"You know, just signing my death warrant.." Octavia spoke out.

Followed with a long beeping sound, she must have turned it off.

Of course it was her, who else could be clumsy enough..

That ruling out beating her to a pulp.. mental abuse is still available.

" Top right is clear" I spoke out, turning a corner to see a set of stairs.

" The second floor Is also clear " Tyler and Xavier commented.

" So they must be on the bottom floor" I confirmed, creeping down the stair case heading towards the bottom floor.

" Where did loud mouth go?" Calum asked, If she heard that it would be the end of him..

" Well last time I saw her was when she ran Into the building.. Cant say where she went but the last thing she said is that she ran into some trouble!"

" A dog, I know.. "

" Guys I found them" Cashe whispered, his voice barely heard. Making me jump from the sudden appearance of a different voice.

" Where abouts?" Tom asked.

" Down stairs, they are all in the kitchen, all nine of them.." Which made me freeze.

Nine, wasn't their ten?

" Is the girl there?"

" Nope, no girl. Why?"

" Because me and Octavia saw one with them!"

" Let's just deal with what we have!" Xavier whispered.

Making my way onto the ground floor, attempting to navigate where the kitchen is.

This building is massive, who would of guessed that it had a kitchen...

" Found you" As I crouched next to Cashe, Mr. Matthews, Xavier, Tom, and Calum.

" Where did Tyler go?" I questioned as I peep around the corner. There eating the food they had in the bags..

They don't seem too threatening to me, but looks can be deceiving.

" He wanted to look for Octavia, I told him that she was somewhere on the top floor."

See, I told you they care. Just in their own special way!

" How did they not get alerted from that loud bang Octavia produced?" Calum questioned.

" Well their is another girl around here, maybe they thought it was her doing?"

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