Part 9

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"So." Jimin arched a brow. "I assume you brought us out at this unseemly hour to do more than stare at one another through the mist, Your Majesty."

Giving Jimin a withering look, you chose not to respond.

Yesterday had been full of meetings with little importance to the Ghalian treaty. After telling Yoongi of your vow and bond, you'd found yourself more aware of Jungkook's presence than ever before.

Everything which took place over the past forty-eight hours resulted in three facts. The first being, you could not afford to spend more time in the King's presence. Already, your façade of indifference was crumbling and would only worsen as time went on.

Second, Mor had become bolder in their travels north. It would only be a matter of time before war arrived on your borders. You needed to be prepared.

Which led you to your third point. Jungkook's reveal of magic could turn the tide of the war; it needed to be factored into your discussions as soon as possible. Which was why you'd asked Jungkook to bring whomever he deemed appropriate to the field this morning.

Glancing around, you found Jungkook looking back. He was dressed in his flying leathers again, simple armor reinforced at the joints with lighter metal. No breastplate, his hair unadorned and a broadsword strapped firmly across his back.

He'd brought Taehyung with him, along with the woman rider you'd seen at the feast and Lord Seokjin. The last one had surprised you, since you hadn't thought Seokjin a rider. From Ashya, you'd brought Jimin, Namjoon and Yoongi.

"We are not here to stare," you explained to Jimin. "But to fly."

Jimin hesitated. "With each other," he clarified.

It was not a question but a statement, and the woman rider across the circle seemed to share in his sentiment. She stared distrustfully at the group gathered on your side.

Yoongi squinted up at the sky. "Why am I here, then?" he wondered aloud.

"To observe," you informed.

"Scintillating," he said, looking down.

Namjoon laughed as several other people attempted to hide their smiles. Ignoring all this, you focused instead on Jungkook's delegation.

"I believe I have met everyone except you," you said, looking at the woman.

"Maia," she said, boldly meeting your gaze. "I am a rider in His Majesty's forces."

"One of our best," Jungkook added, as Taehyung nodded.

Maia had large, dark eyes and short hair bound in a plait down her neck. Her features were pretty, delicate in contrast to her hardened exterior. You respected her for being in the delegation but found yourself appreciating her even more for her no-nonsense response.

Nodding once, you looked away. The pride in Jungkook's voice when he spoke had not escaped you; nor had the way Maia glanced in his direction, as though pleased by the mention.

Jungkook was not yours to want, you reminded yourself. You'd made sure of this with the vow you continued to uphold. Still, you felt your jaw clench as you refocused on your surroundings.

"Is this a serious request?" Jimin asked in disbelief. "You truly wish for us to fly alongside the riders."

Pointedly, Seokjin cleared his throat. "I believe it is not considered polite to question the Queen's sanity in her presence?"

Jimin glanced at him, stunned as Yoongi started to laugh. His smile widened, eyes nearly disappearing when Jimin turned to face him, incensed.

"What?" Yoongi snorted. "That was funny."

Ember BurningWhere stories live. Discover now