SCP-17299 aka The Dice Master

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Item#: SCP-17299

Object Class: Keter

Also Known As: The Dice Master

Special Containment Procedures: is to be contained within a heavily secured humanoid domicile thats lined with lead and has Scranton Reality Anchors in and nearby all items that go in are to be closely monitored SCP-17299 is not to be given any type of dice due to its reality warping abilities being connected to rolling dice all personnel who go in are to wear a specialized hazmat suit due to the radiation that emanates from SCP-17299. SCP-17299 is to be psychologically evaluated 3 times every month

Behavior: SCP-17299 usual behavior is similar to that of an introverted 12 year old SCP-17299 has shown a love for board games, card games, and roleplaying games SCP-17299 favorite games seem to be chess, dungeons and dragons, a card game called BS and a card game called Garbage SCP-17299 is generally friendly though a bit awkward with a very random sense of humor SCP-17299 has been observed having episodes where he becomes more manipulative and deceitful and acts somewhat similar to SCP-035 SCP-17299 does not have any sort of mind controlling abilities when is this state and is simply using his words to try getting what he wants

Description/Image: SCP-17299 appears to be a short 12 year old Caucasian human with a slight chicago accent SCP-17299 has brown hair and blue eyes as well as a large birthmark on his nose and cheek

Abilities: altering reality by rolling dice

Significant Tests:

Test 1: SCP-17299 is given a 3 sided die

Result: SCP-17299 rolls the die and his room becomes pink and a bean bag chair pops into existence

Test 2: SCP-17299 plays a game of Trouble with 3 D-Class

Results: none of SCP-17299 reality alerting abilities come into play it seems that SCP-17299 needs to actually roll the dice for anything to happen

Testing has been put hold after SCP-17299 blew up a containment area releasing multiple SCPs

Discovery: SCP-17299 was found when he caused a creature known as an Owlbear to come into existence while at a DnD club at the time SCP-17299 didnt give off any radiation

Origin: the origin of SCP-17299 abilities are unknown though one theory suggests that the ability is caused by an active imagination and exposure to radiation

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