Monday Mornings

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I am a sleeper. I am that kind of person that would sleep till noon and wake up being the happiest person on earth. If you wake me up earlier I will not be so happy. Monday mornings are a disaster for me. Everyone is screaming, crying, or stomping like an ill tempered rabbit. In my opinion we should all sleep the morning and have fun all afternoon, well some people disagree with me. What can I say everyone is a critic, especially my mom and dad.

My dad Is a scorn "gentleman", even though I think he is not that gentle. He works at a lab in a university, doing all these cool "do not touch" stuff. It makes me jealous because I have to every Monday morning stay couped up in the coldest room in the school building. Well this Monday morning was different.

Instead of dreaming of war like cats from Sparta Greece, my life began to take a turn. this Monday morning it was Presidents' Day so we did not go to school. Did I mention I went to a catholic school,well I do. With nightmares or dreams I knew all along, I'd like to think, that I knew that life was not fairy tale. In my class we are nineteen, in our grade we are nineteen. I like to think its a small world. But in my class we are that one class that everyone hates. my mother said "hate" was a strong word, I said that is why I used it. some of us got rescued from the terrible disease and flames of the moron, but some of us did not. Good thing I got rescued, and my friends. I would not call myself popular, even though almost every one knows my name, even the pre-ker's.

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