It Was Just A Nightmare

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Little A/N- when the font is changed to this it means that Y/n is having a nightmare. 


"what are we doing Lady Y/n?" Loki looked around. 

"black or green?" I turned to look at him. I held up the bed covers and looked up at him. 

"um black?" Loki looked at the black covers when I threw them into the cart, "where to next?" 

"Bathroom decore, like we need to get things for your bathroom, and just small things to make your room... More homie, ya know?" I pulled the cart to the section where all of the bathroom things are. "choose what you want. nothing is off-limits." I watch him look through all of the items and putting the things that he wants in the cart. 

"what was your life like in Paris?" he started trying to start small talk 

"umm... it was.. okay. I mean there's nothing really good about it. the sights are pretty and all, but when it's full of bad memories-" I cut myself off before I get too deep. "I-I really don't to get into it. Let's just not talk about me. what about you? What was life like in Asgard?" 

He looked at me, no emotion. "It was fine, most of the attention was on Thor, so..." 

"I know how that can be. I have a little brother, Logan, he was always the center of attention. It sucked. He still lives in Paris with f/n (father's name)" I looked at him and smiled, "are you done with choosing everything?"

"yes," he replied 

"now we have to just look around, see if you like anything. Things to decorate your bathroom." we both started to look around and grabbing things that we both like. 

after about 10 minutes of looking around, we are ready to check out

"I'm guessing you don't know how to use self-checkout."

"I know how to check myself ou-" Loki gets cut off by someone. 

"are you The Elementalist?" A little boy came up to me with a picture of me. 

"yes, and you are?" 

"when there was a robbery at a store and the robber grabbed me, you cooly walked up to him and told him to go but he didn't and you blasted him into the wall and took him out to in front of the police that they need to be better at their job. yeah! I'm that kid that he robber took." He looked up at me with a sparkle in his eyes. "ever since then, I've looked up to you. I wanna be a hero just like you Ms. Y/n!" 

I chuckle and lean down a bit to get to his hight. "you can achieve anything if you set your mind to it. Train as much as possible and wait a few years, and you'll be at the top of that tower with the rest of us... Mr...." 
'he looked around the age of 15 so...'

"Stephan, Stephan Ackles ma'am" he smiled and help out the picture of me. He looked at me shyly before looking at the floor "W-Will you sign it"

I tense up for a second after he says name, I smile and took out a pen from a secret pocket in my skirt and sign it. "You don't have to be so shy Stephan." I smiled and ruffled his hair before a woman took ahold of his arm and pulled him next to her. I stood up straight "I assume you're Mr. Stephans mother." I held out my hand for her to shake it, which she gladly shook. 

"yes, I am. And I'm sorry for my son. He just doesn't want to stand still." She apologized. 

"No, it's okay." I smiled as they walked off. I turned around to see Loki trying to work the checkout. 

"Loki, no. here let me show you" I took the book from his hands, "you see the barcode?" I point to it. "you run it over the scanner. Like this" I do as I said and it makes a beep. "now you try" 

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