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He unpacked the last of his books onto the shelf. Getting up off the floor he looked around his dorm smiling because he finally had a room to himself. It paid off to be a third year, but for some reason, he was not entirely satisfied. He could not shake this sense of dread brewing in his stomach. He knew change was coming; he could physically sense it.

He walked over to his wardrobe and grabbed a pair of blue jeans and a black T-shirt. He knew the fall weather was supposed to be cooler today but he didn't care.  He quickly got dressed and tossed his unwashed, brown curly hair until it fell imperfectly. He was about to head down to the dining hall for breakfast when a manilla envelope slid under his door. "Finally," he sighed as he picked it up off the floor. "Let's see who I am paired with this year." He slid his fingers under the envelope. His earthy green eyes were transfixed as he pulled the letter out. Inside he found a small packet containing crucial information about his new partner. He read the name at the top right corner, Eloise.  "What the FUCK" he yelled in both shock and anger, causing all of his books to fly off his shelf. 

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