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The king Agamemnon of Greek mythology was the leader of the Greek Armed Forces during the Trojan War. Returning victorious from war, he was soon killed by his wife. Interesting.

Janine sat by the riverfront eating a crepe. The air was cold but the crepe was scalding hot. Ships passed by unceremoniously on their way to Philadelphia. She wondered if they could see her there, where they were coming from, who or what was onboard. She imagined herself as a stowaway on an aircraft carrier, how she'd ride the ship all the way across the ocean without being seen. Interrupting her day dream was a familiar voice.

"Turn around you fiend!"

It was Caitlin. Her pale blue hair blew in the December wind. She had a crepe in her hand too, strawberry and Nutella.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2021 ⏰

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