Chapter 4

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It's been one week since I visited Skyloft. I've mostly been reading and exploring Ghirahim's house. Turns out Ghirahim loves to read, which I think is kinda weird because he's evil and I don't know where he finds time for it but he has a huge library. I spend most of my time in the library, kitchen, or my room. Ghirahim spends most of his time in his office or going off to random places. He refuses to tell me where he is going but I assume he's out being evil or something.

I grabbed a book from a large bookshelf.  "Guide to Swordsmanship" I read off the title and opened to the table of contents. "I mean I have nothing else to do so why not try it?" I asked myself. I went to grab a sword.

"This seems like a good place to practice." I walked into a clearing in the backyard. And sat on the grass. "Ok, first thing, types of swords and fighting styles. Seems boring I don't want to read through all this." I looked around and found a curved tree. I walked up to it and slashed it with the sword. The sword got stuck in the tree"That was stupid." I tried prying the sword out but got interrupted. 

"What in the name of Hylia are you doing?" Ghirahim stepped towards me and waved his hand making the sword disappear.

"I- uh, practicing swordsmanship."

"On a tree? And you're taking advice from a book?"

"Well, yeah." I hung my head and he laughed. "It's not like I have anything else to practice on. And what's wrong with learning from a book?" I piped up still feeling embarrassed. 

"There is nothing wrong with learning from a book, just when it comes to the art of sword fighting it is best to learn from an expert." He picked up the booked and turned it over before placing the book back down.

"How unfortunate that there is no expert here." I crossed my arms. He put his hand on his chest faking a gasp. 

"I am offended, all jokes aside since you're here I my as well teach you something useful.

"It's not like I wanted to be here, you kinda kidnapped me."

"We are not having this conversation again." He glared at me. "Now come here." I sauntered toward him. "Take this." He tossed me a curved wooden sword with intricate designs on the handle. "This is just precautionary. I obviously wouldn't be so careless as to harm you or myself during training but you are an amateur." I turned the weapon over in my hand. "Now hit me."


"Are you deaf? I said hit me."

"No I heard you I'm just confused."

"What's so confusing about that simple command?"

"It's just you are unarmed." 

He smirked. "You won't be able to do me any harm darling."

"You haven't earned the right to call me darling." He rolled his eyes. I swung the sword toward him. Wincing out of instinct. Then the sword stopped. I opened my eyes to him holding it with two fingers.

"Don't close your eyes. It makes you vulnerable and gives your opponent an advantage." I still stared at his fingers, amazed.

"H-how are you doing that." 

"Practice." He let go of the sword. "That other sky-child, Link had the same reaction. Try again." I swung the sword at his side but he stepped back. "You'll never hit me with that slow pace." For hours I swung the weapon and every time he blocked or dodged my attacks. "I think that's enough for today." I threw the sword on the ground, out of breath.  

"I was always better at archery." I managed to speak between breaths. 

"I suggest you try a different area of combat. Your sword fighting skills are worse than that friend of yours."

"You're like super old, you've had years of practice."

"I am not super old. I'm actually young . Your species just have short lifespans."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes. 


A few days later I was sitting on a couch in library reading a book about the water dragon Farore when Ghirahim stormed in. "At last I have found the location of the Spirit Maiden." He boasted. "Get up your coming with me." I jumped a the opportunity to see Link and be rescued from the demon lord. Once again he grabbed my waist and we arrive at a Temple with boulders blocking the way.

"Couldn't you grab me by the hand or something?"

"Don't argue with my techniques." He snapped his fingers and the rocks were blown away. Past the debris Zelda was singing with a strange woman by some strange portal resembling a giant gear. I turned my head and saw Link around 20 feet to the right of me. Once he spotted me he darted toward me. Then I felt a blade close around my neck. 

"Are you kidding me?" I spoke loudly so everyone could hear.

"Step any closer and she dies." Ghirahim announced. A few days ago this same man or I guess demon lord, was teaching me how to use a sword and now he was willing to kill me.

 "You sure are bipolar." I retorted. 

"Quiet."He applied more pressure to my neck.

My body stiffened. I never stopped to realize how dangerous Ghirahim was. I mean he hasn't really tried to kill me before. Zelda stopped singing and everything was dead silent for a moment. "Now, the spirit maiden comes with me or this blade cuts through your friend's neck."

"Don't do it!" I yelled.

He pushed the blade closer to my neck drawing blood. The pain forced a tear down my eye. 

"I was never considering handing her over, even if the life of this poor girl was taken." The strange woman said. While we were talking Zelda threw Link her harp. Then the woman pushed Zelda into the weird portal it blowing up after them. I closed my eyes preparing for the cold blade to slice through my neck. A few seconds passed by but the pain never came. Instead I felt the blade lift off my skin. Upon opening my eyes I saw Ghirahim walking in a circle around Link.

"I don't mean to interrupt whatever's going on here but didn't you say you were going to kill me?"

"I've had a change of plans, killing you would bring me no pleasure."

"Thanks, I guess?"

"Now you've done it." He pointed his sword towards Link. "I blame myself. I should have reprimanded you the last time we met, but instead I was...soft."

"Just give me Y/N."

"No, Y/N stays with me. She is quite annoying and needy but she is a big part of my plan." I snorted, trying to hold in my laugh. 

"What's so funny? I don't see anything funny going on right now." Link looked a bit mad which was understandable.

"It's just the last time me and Ghirahim talked about this he said that was all made up. He had no plan with me. He did say that he could use me as blackmail but that didn't work judging by today. Zelda still got away didn't she? And why didn't you kill me earlier. Killing me may bring you no happiness but it would bring Link misery. So my question for you Ghirahim is, why are you really keeping me?"

Author's Note

I'm back! Thank you for reading my story. I got a new motion censor and batteries for my Wii U so I've been playing Skyward Sword all day. If you enjoyed this story please vote and comment. It would mean a lot to me. I hope you guys have a wonderful day :)

Why do you think Ghirahim is really keeping Y/N?

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