How we met

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Chapter 3

Hellooo 3rd chapter pog!
This one might be my least favorite one mainly because I try making it more comedic but I think I'm way better at angst ;~;

When Quackity was younger he had always been a trouble maker getting into problems and driving others crazy and that day wasn't any different. There they were Jax, Sebastian, and West these were the names of Quackity's three bullies but Quackity liked to call them the three Dicks, which for some reason they didn't like that much, The three Dicks were all much bigger and stronger that Quackity but that didn't mean Quackity was scared of them well only a little but constantly Quackity found himself getting his ass handed to him.

That day Quackity was very bored, and when he was bored he would usually do something that causes him to get in a lot of trouble. This could mean stealing from the shops, jumping on top of rooftops, and Quackity's favorite thing to do piss off West. West was considered the leader mainly because he was bigger and stronger, West had a very quick temper and would get mad if Quackity would make one joke about fucking his mother and pissing off West was very thrilling for Quackity.
That day Quackity had gone to one of the tiny markets that sold tomatoes with a potato bag that he mainly just uses for stealing things. Quackity swiped around 4 tomatoes before the shop keeper noticed and after a quick chase Quackity was ready to enact his plan.
Quackity quickly climbed up a ladder that led up to the rooftops and after looking around for a bit he spotted his targets. Quackity was staring straight at them lining up his first shot, and when he deemed that it was at a good angle he threw the tomatoe and watched it hi the back of West's head.
"Ugh! Wha the fuck is this shit!" he heard West scream and struggled to keep back his laughter as to not give up his spot.
Quackity threw another tomato this one ended up missing, he threw another that was able to hit Jax.
"Who is throwing these damn tomatoes!"
Quackity at this point was trying not to laugh so hard that he almost fell off the roof.
It was down to the las tomato and he wanted to also hit Sebastian but he was the smallest of the group and the Quackity was angled would be almost impossible for him to hit him so he was spared today instead he just decided to go for another throw at West.
"Quackity is it you throwing these fuckers! I swear to god when I find you your bitch ass is dead!" West screamed very loud and because of all the commotion it was drawing attention to the boys. At this point Quackity doesn't care if they know were he is so he starts laughing his ass off the adults look at him with a somewhat look of disgust and disappointment, but Quackity didn't care because he gets the same looks from his parents all the time.
At this point West is charging in Quackity's direction the other two close behind but Quackity was to distracted to notice, that is until he hears a big thump on the roof he's standing on. He looks to the sound of the noise and is able to see West standing there with the others almost up. West was about to probably yell some swear or threaten Quackity but before he can Quackity started jumping to the next roof so he forgets about it and proceeds to chase Quackity. They run on top of the rooftops for about a minute until Quackity notices a ladder next to one of the roofs and quickly climbs down. The chase continues on the ground with them slowly catching up. Quackity ends up screwing himself over by running into an alleyway that ended up being a dead end.
"Haha.... hey guys...." Quackity said slowly to the three trying to sound as friendly as possible.
"Quackity you piece if shit! Im gonna fucking kill you!" Jax screamed out while approaching Quackity.
"H...hey how about w...we talk about th-"
Quackity was cut when a fist connected with his face. At this point Quackity was fucked, he was being punched, kicked, even spit on by the three. Quackity didn't care though because he had been throughout this a million times before and now he was more focused on how he'd escape. He had a few options, he could fight back and try to defeat them but he knew that he was way to weak to pull that off, another option was to run away from them but this option was risky since he was in such a secluded area and if they did catch him again he knew that they would probably go even harder on him, the last option Quackity could think of was to just wait it out he knew that their threats of killing him before were just to get him scared Quackity believed that they weren't killers. As Quackity thought through his answers he decided that he would have to go with the third option. Quackity laid there bore waiting for them to be finished,he had several bruises already forming and he thought of how much of a pain it would be to try and hide them from his parents. Sebastian picked him up from the collar and punched him straight in the nose and threw him to the ground. As much as Quackity didn't want to he couldn't help the scream that came out of his mouth when he impacted with the ground he laid there as boys mocked him for his scream saying it was girly. Quackity felt blood trickling down his face as he laid there wishing for them to all just leave him alone, when suddenly Quackity heard a voice he didn't recognize.
"Hey! The fuck is happening here?!?!"
Everyone proceeded to look at the sound of the voice and there Quackity saw a boy around his age standing there.

Cliffhanger pog!
Thank you for reading I'll try to get any chapter out as soon a possible!

What happened to us? Quackity and Jschlatt angstWhere stories live. Discover now