"I just got a letter from Uncle Kans."

"Oh? How has he been?"

"He says he's been weel and that he and Catherine have been courting for the last few months!"

"Is that so?"

"Aye, it seems so."

"Looks like I've been rubbing off on ye." She said with a smirk.

Higgs put the letter down and adjusted his glasses. "Well, it's been four years since you've been here so it's bound to happen, ye ken?"

Merida shook her head and rolled her eyes as she tried to knead some dough to make bread. It had been three years since she passed the trial of his monthly monster transformations and as promised, she was still by his side. During that time they had acquired a few other house staff that could handle Higgs' transformations and a stable hand that was a brother of a friend of Edgar's from school who needed work. He was simple of mind but smart as a whip and actually enjoyed Higgs' transformations, finding them intriguing. Since he was so good with the horses, he was often passed around between Higgs, Margaret, and Jamison's mansions as the equestrian of choice. Edgar was away at school (paid by Higgs) and Merida felt they should have more staff. They set up the same tests that Jamison used for his staff and soon acquired the bare minimum to efficiently run the house without Merida going completely insane.

The door opened to the kitchen and Merida looked up.


"Yes, ma'am?"

"How was it at Laird Northumberly's?"

"Very good, ma'am."

He bowed awkwardly to her and then mumbled something to Higgs as he walked off. Merida smiled.

"I keep thinking I scare the poor lad."

"You scare everyone, Merida. You don't exactly come across as the most kind."

"I'll have ye ken how kind I can be." She said with a growl as she started to punch the dough. "Damn this dough..."

Ailers came back in. "There were more turny people there... it was fun."

He left again and Higgs adjusted his glasses again as he read on with the letter. Even after two years, the incident with his eyes being burned out of their sockets never fully healed and so he was forced to wear glasses, much to his chagrin. Merida thought he looked nice in them and made him look a little more mature for his age.

"Uncle Kans said that he and Radek will make a short stop here for tell everyone the news in person. I guess he never told my father about he and Catherine... I wonder if he'll bring her with him." He said with a stretch.

"Dinnae see why not... Come, use your abnormally cold hands to harden this dough back up. Seems I may have put a little too much water in it."

Higgs stood up and fluidly walked around the table, pushing his sleeves up to show his porcelain white skin in the amber light of the fire. It was vampire month.

"An ye are a vampire why are ye making me make bread for ye? Didnae take ye to dip it in some blood stew, aye?"

"That is completely disgusting and no, I just wanted some bread. Just because I happen to crave blood doesn't mean that's all I eat. After all this time, you should know that."

"After all this time, ye are a horrible liar." She growled as she poked the fire. "I've got the bite marks to prove it as well as poor Edgar. Attacked me in my sleep, ye git."

To Love A Myth - Book 2: Mr. Higgs and the Lady 🎩✔️Where stories live. Discover now