Merida lifted an eyebrow. "Did she say that now?"

"Yes... so... what do I do? I mean, I have no idea what I'll be in the coming months. None of us have ever gone out in public like that."

"I think you should just drop her and get over yourself." Edgar said as he put his hands on his hips.

"And I ken ye should shut yer mouth afore I punch out all ye teeth, ye disrespectful git." Merida growled, threatening him with her fist.

Higgs rolled his eyes. "Edgar, I know you're not fond of her but I mean... she's really all I have. She seems quite taken with the fact that I turn into different creatures, which is interesting."

"But forcing you to go out in public will only make it easier for that circus guy to catch you."

"Lad has a point there. Yer family has been avoiding that barmy bloke for a while now and an ye reveal yerself to the *ton ye will just give away who ye are. I dinnae like this idea... How about an ultimatum?"

"Like what?"

"Yer sister has to get married at some point and I hear she may do a double wedding with Catherine in July so that Kans can be human. Why dinnae ye invite her to that instead? It will be private and no one will judge ye an ye arnae completely human."

"That's a great idea! You're a genius, Merida."

"Yes, I know. In the meantime though, ye can invite her here and we will get her accustomed to yer forms and such."

"Um... should I do that or you?"

"Ye're the one who turns, not me."

"I meant the inviting part. I mean..."

"Well I willnae leave ye to it yerself. Dear laird lad, ye'd cause a right muckle problem an I did. Edgar and I will be there for ye and as long as she doesnae bring Gretchen every time, I ken it will be pleasant."

"Gretchen really isn't all that bad." He said with chuckle.

"I know, but I just hate dealing with her. She's too... up her own ass."

"She looks down on people so much she looks up." Edgar commented and then flinched because he thought he was going to get smacked.

"That's a good way to say it." Merida said with a chuckle.

"So... um..."

Merida scoffed. "Alright, I'll go and talk to her."

"Thank you! You don't know how much this means to me." He said with a thankful smile.

"Aye, aye..." she said waving him off.


Merida moved her dress around, unhappy to be in one of the finer ones that Higgs had bought her from before. They were still quite stiff and had too much going for them. Her simpler dresses allowed her a little more freedom but this was important business and Higgs needed her help. Edgar had wanted to travel along but Merida didn't want to hear him griping about what was going on. There was nothing anyone could do at the moment. She pulled on the reins of the horse and looked up at the simple two story mansion that had its back to the forest. It had ivy on the sides that was running into the front and although it was whitewashed nice and bright, it had an oldness and a coldness that Merida just didn't understand. The fountain in the front wasn't working and the drive was made of cobblestone rather than having gravel. She had only come to Elizabeth's once but she didn't remember it being so... secretive. Merida pulled the horse to go to the front of the house and dismounted. She smoothed out her dress and walked to the door, knocking on it.

To Love A Myth - Book 2: Mr. Higgs and the Lady 🎩✔️Where stories live. Discover now