Rockefeller street

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(Last time on Dragon ball z.... I mean Displaced)

Phantom Pov:


I woke up in panic almost falling out of the air because of the loud sound. I looked over to my sister with her Gaster dog standing next to her. The Gaster dog had his mouth wide open as he swung his bone tail back and forth. While Papinah has a look of shock on her face. I decide to float over to see what is happening and what made that loud sound.

Phantom: Yo Sis! What's up with all the noise? Did you summon a canon or something?

Papinah: Brother! Brother! Snappy can shoot lasers out of his mouth.

She said jumping up and down in excitement. I raise a nonexistent eyebrow at the name Snappy and turn to the dog studying it. I land myself onto the white anti-void floor and walk over to the dog and pet it.

Phantom: That's cool Sis but next time can you not scare the skin off me?

Papinah: Ha ha real funny Phantom but anyways I'm sorry I didn't know he could do that.

I wave my boney hand in a lazy manner, not caring that the dog woke me up.

Phantom: It's cool. How about I help you out more with your abilities? While we are at it I need to teach you how to defend yourself Sis.

Papinah face lit up in excitement hearing that. After what happened with those people she wanted to learn some defense to keep herself safe.

Papinah: Yes please I want to learn more.

Author's POV:

As time progressed, the two found many ways to use their new abilities and overcome any weaknesses they may have. Weaknesses such as Papinah's fighting skills are evident in the girl as she sits on the anti-void floor in tears, depressed with a dark cloud hanging over her head. It turns out she's not very skilled at fighting. While her brother tries to cheer her up beside her.

Phantom: Come on Sis you weren't that terrible.

As Phantom embraced his sister, he began to pet her long, white hair. Papinah became even more depressed after her brother's words instead of feeling comforted.

Papinah: I hit myself in the face with my own fist. 😞

Phantom: Hey now just because you can't do hand-to-hand combat doesn't mean you're not capable of fighting. Using weapons, blocking and dodging is another effective way to fight you know.

Papinah: Really? 😟

Phantom: Yes really. Besides we found out I can process both people and monsters, so I can help you out with that problem if you need me to Sis. Plus don't forget Snappy. He will help too.

She smiled at what her brother said as Snappy rubbed his face on the side of her head. Papinah placed her hand on Snappy's skull to let him know she's okay now.

Papinah: I'm alright Snappy. I know you and my brother will be there to protect me when I need it. Thanks brother for saying that.

Phantom floats off the ground with his hands behind his hand.

Phantom: No problem Bob! 😉

Papinah: Really. 😐 Your not going to stop are you?😑

Phantom: What can I say. I love my funny bone. There is no denying that I find it very humerus. 😏

Papinah: Brother please don't😕

Phantom:  If you don't like that I guess I could learn a femur skeleton puns if you don't like these ones.😇

Phantom: OMG why?! 😤

A/N: I don't know who I want them to meet first so I'm letting you guys pick. Who should meet them first or what Au should they end up in? Leave your comments down below.

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