"Okay no more secrets."Tyler says as he sits down on the bed next to me.
"hold on" he reaches behind my neck takeing my necklace off.
"stop that's my grandmothers"I swipe it away from him.
"sorry but you cant have anything like that on when you shift or it will make you a different animal." Tyler tells me.
"you are so gonna hate me."
"what? why?"he doesn't answer my question and he kisses me.I push him away. Confused about if I liked it or not.
"What the h*** Tyler!"I yell
"I WIN!"he yells happily
"no you didn't, I didn't kiss you!"
"you liked it though, but that wasn't what I was talking about, your ears are showing." I reach up feeling small ears that are rounded.
"Hey!"I yell giving a fake frown through my smile I'm forcing away.
"think about changing,forming into an animal"
I concentrate and my tail appears a long slick one like his,doted with small circles.
"hey snow"he says
"what?" I ask still confused with him.
"feel your heart and concentrate. make your emotions strong."
I think about my mother and grandmother. I think about everyone I know who is gone and who I miss. I think about my friends,ally mostly. Most of all Tyler,and I change.
"your a snow leopord"he say gently and happily.
I move over curling up in his lap.He laughs and shifts too curling around me.