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(Trisha's POV)

I woke up with the buzz on my phone.

It was 7:00 AM, my regular alarm played as I rubbed my eyes.

I yawned and stretched my body and saw Jin, still asleep.

I didn't wanna wake him up so without making any further sounds, I arranged my messy hair while using 
my selfie camera as a mirror.

As habit, I was humming.

"I'll be staying...
When the sun's low
And we got no where to go,
I'll be staying...
When you'll be alone,
We'll always have something common...
I'll be here,
When you're far from me..
I'll be here,
Even if the one you love ain't me...
Oh... Wooah..
I know the day will come,
When we'll sing, dance and have fun,
I know the day will come,
When I'll be with my darl'.
So I'm still standing,
And waiting..
For you baby...
Still wishing,
And hoping,
For the day you hug me again..."

I stopped when a hand grabbed my

It was Jin. We woke up!!!

"How did you know I'll be there?",he asked, trying to gain strength.
"I was at Jimin's dance studio. I heard some commotion so I went to see. I saw you, I brought you..."
"You fought for me?"
"Hmm... I fight for all those whom I'm friends with..."
"Hmm...", sighed Jin.

My time stopped for a second. His beautifully crafted face...

No doubt the girl didn't intentionally dump him. Who would I mean?
Did something really bad happen to her?

The door opened to reveal Yoongi.

"May I?",he asked for permission.
"Jin Hyung?"
"Yoong-, Yoongi...",said Jin
"Hyung...!",said Yoongi with relief.
"You guys talk...",I said while I tried to move out and make space for them.
"No stop. He doesn't listen to me. You take care of him...",said Yoongi
"I'll get that pendrive for you..."
"Pendrive?",asked Jin, still heavy with pain.
"Her student made a project for the science fair. S-So.. She, She needs to, go, to him.. and...,and get it. I'll get that instead.. ",said Yoongi, stammering a little.
"Oh! But will they give it to you?"
"I'll call and let Jennie know.."

I followed Yoongi to the door and stopped him.

"Trust me. I'll handle. You be with him. He's a very disobedient adult child..",said Yoongi with a small smile.

I laughed at how he compared Jin to a big baby.

"So... It's just 7:30... I 'prolly' woke you up with my disastrous voice..."
"No.. I liked your voice. It's so soothing. Why you say disastrous voice?"
"Cause you know, Al has a more powerful and beautiful voice. And when she and Jk duet..., What a blessing for the ears!"
"I liked your voice too..."
"Thank you..."
"Will you again sing for me? Anything.."
"Sure... What shall I sing?"
"Who's your favourite artist?"
"Hmm... Mine? Mmm... Maybe..., Mendes? Ooh, I like Bieber too..."
"I like them too.."
"Wow! I like Hwang Chi yeul as well.."
"You listen to kpop?"
"Yeah. I love Big Bang. VIP... Oh also Shinee. Shawol..."
"My.. you know one of the biggest ones."
"So... You like Kdrama?"
"Yeah, I've seen some like 'Extraordinary You'.."
"How about you?"
"I don't listen to many songs.."
"I tend to listen to sad songs..."
"Ooh I see.. Wae?"
"Wae? You speak Hangul?"
"I think I used to. Before coming to London you know..."
"You and your sister used to stay in Korea?"
"No.. maybe. Not her though.."
"We're not siblings. She's my sister. Step sister. I'm adopted. But you know, I love her.."
"She loves you too..."
"I know. I never felt like it wasn't my own family. She never let me. She never mocked me unlike many step siblings. She's the second nicest person I ever met."
"Who's the nicest?"
"A person. A guy I used to be friends with. I don't remember him anymore, I wonder if he does. I don't remember anything.... I miss him...",I said with deep sigh..

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