3 Chapter

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They stopped, and amid the triumphant noise of the forest, in the midst of the trembling darkness, tired and angry, they began to judge Danko.
"You," they said, " are an insignificant and harmful person to us! You have led us and wearied us, and for this you will perish! — You said, " Lead on!— - and I did!  Danko shouted, turning his chest against them.
— I have the courage to lead, and that's why I led you!" And you? What have you done to help yourself? You only went and did not know how to save your strength for a longer path! You just walked, walked like a flock of sheep! But these words enraged them even more.
"You're going to die!" You're going to die!  they roared.

And the forest hummed and hummed, echoing their cries, and the lightning tore the darkness to shreds. Danko looked at those for whom he had labored, and saw that they were like animals. Many people were standing around him, but there was no nobility on their faces, and he could not expect mercy from them. Then resentment boiled up in his heart, but it was extinguished by pity for people. He loved people and thought that maybe they would die without him. And his heart burst into fire of desire to save them, to bring to light the path, and then his eyes flashed rays of that mighty fire... And they, seeing this, thought he was enraged, why so bright and inflamed eyes, and they alerted like wolves, waiting to see what he will fight with them and become denser surrounding it, to make it easier for them to capture and kill Danko. But he had already understood their thoughts, and that was why his heart burned even more brightly, for this thought of theirs gave birth to longing in him.

And the forest is singing his song of the dark, and the thunder rattled, and it was raining…
— What will I do for people?!  Danko shouted louder than thunder. And suddenly he tore open his chest with his hands and tore out his heart and held it high above his head.
It burned as bright as the sun, and brighter than the sun, and the whole forest was silent, illuminated by this torch of great love for people, and the darkness was scattered by its light and there, deep in the forest, trembling, fell into the rotten mouth of the swamp. The people, amazed, became like stones.
- Come on!  Danko shouted and rushed forward to his seat, holding the burning heart high and lighting the way for the people.

They ran after him, fascinated. Then the forest began to roar again, shaking its tops in surprise, but its noise was drowned out by the trampling of running people. Everyone ran fast and boldly, carried away by the wonderful sight of the burning heart. And now they were dying, but they were dying without complaint or tears. And Danko was still ahead, and his heart was still burning, burning!

And then suddenly the forest parted before him, parted and remained behind, dense and silent, and Danko and all those people immediately plunged into a sea of sunlight and clean air washed by the rain. The storm was there, behind them, over the forest, and here the sun shone, the steppe sighed, the grass glistened in the diamonds of rain and the river glittered with gold... It was evening, and the rays of the sunset made the river look red, like the blood that flowed hotly from Danko's torn chest.

The proud daredevil Danko cast a glance ahead of him at the expanse of the steppe, — he cast a joyful glance at the free land and laughed proudly. And then he fell and died.

The people, happy and full of hope, did not notice his death and did not see that his brave heart still burned next to Danko's corpse. Only one cautious person noticed this and, fearing something, stepped on the proud heart with his foot... and here it was, scattered into sparks, extinguished…

The end

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