Chapter 12

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Last and Final Chapter

Alexander Sector *P.OV*

The time she said she is agreeing to marry me my mind was like poof finally a gorgeous lady like her is going to be my wife and especially she is so smart. The time I saw her I wanted her to be mine more than anything else.

Now she is going to be my wife in just 1 month, like that's amazing.

'I'm agreeing to marry you' She said

'Me too baby girl' I replied, seeing her blush bad with some hint of turn on again.

I just love her so much.

'I Love You' I said, seeing her all shocked she paused for a moment and replied

'I L-love You t-too' She replied stammering in between

'It's okay baby we don't need to agree on everything' I said to her

'No it's not that, I uhm just scared I've already been heartbroken, I'm scared what if it happens again?' She said with a worried look and water developing in her eyes as I think she was about to cry.

'Baby girl you don't need to worry anymore you are in safe hands, trust me' I said with a confirming look

*tring tring*

I saw the caller ID It's Supreme Court ofcourse you know my mum, I picked it up

'Yes mom, what's wrong now?' I asked her

'It's been 2 hours since you are gone and I'm your mum ofcourse ill be worried where my child is' She said all worried

'Uh- mum I'm with Audrey we had some personal time and I want to give you a good news as soon as I come back home' I said

'Baby you should go' Audrey half whispered yelled

'Oh no, are you dating Audrey now?' My mum asked all shocked and happy

'Bye mum I'm coming home to tell you something' I said and ended the call.

'Let's go baby' I said to Audrey

'But where?' She questioned

'My home I'm going to make you meet my mom and yes I have to tell her the good news that you are agreeing to marry me' I said

'O-ok' She said half scared

I went up to her as she was going too get some stuff for her need, I turned her around and

'Baby look at me, you don't have to worry about anything It was an arrange marriage where our parents have already agreed so we don't even have to make them agree our relationship, now that we are together and are soon going to be life partner you will not call my mum "Ma'am" and my dad "Sir", you get it baby and yes make sure you be cute with her, she likes the girls being cute' I said to her making her relax

*1 hour later*

'Mum we are back' I yelled as soon as I entered

'Who is this we? Who's here with you sweetheart?' She questioned

'It's Audrey' As soon I told this to her she came running from the kitchen with flour on her face and apron

'Oh baby you got my daughter-in-law home, well she is not my daughter-in-law she is my daughter and she will always be my daughter' My mum said

She crushed her in a bear hug well I can see she can't breath

'Maa you are going to kill her, I wanna marry her don't kill my soon to be wife' I said to mum in all a teasing tone too

'Oh so someone is excited huh?' My mum said giggling and wiggling her eyebrows

I scratched the back of my neck as my cheeks are deep red shade of red, time went so quickly where mum was making cupcakes in kitchen and she served us and we talked a lot about mine and her family, she took me to meet her family after she was done meeting my mom and my dad is outside for some work so she couldn't meet him but ill make sure she meets him soon, as the time flew by I met her mom and dad, as we were already approved couple we had no issues.

The college was on continue and Audrey make sure that she made a visit once in a week to see the college and me, well the queen bee did warn her to stay away but my Audrey is hard to play with so here she is now on our final day.

Our wedding is in just 1 week and I'm so nervous, I called Jake and Blake over to my home to help me and now I'm here walking in the room nervously

'Buddy what's wrong? It's gonna be fine' Blake said

'Yeah just relax and calm, breath in and breath out' Jake said

'What if in the wedding instead of saying "I Do" I say "I Poo"?' As soon as I completed the room was full of laughters well those laughs made me laugh too, the time flew by Jake and Blake still on my side to help me whenever I want and now it's mine and Audrey's final day



I'm standing there on the stage in a tux waiting for my bride to come on the stage

(My Tuxedo/Her Gown NEXT CHAPTER)

And there she comes my beautiful bride to be

Her dad holding her hand walking her down the aisle, it's so hard to handle myself seeing her being extraordinary beautiful

As soon as she came and we did our vows before the priest could say 'You may kiss the bride' I smashed my lips on her.

And there it was and Happy Ending.

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