Chapter 26.

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(13 week's later)

"We're going to be late!" Andre shouted from outside the bathroom.

"Yeah,I'll be down a minute!" I yelled back,holding my stomach at the painful waves that swung by in my stomach.

We are back in USA,and we have been here for 11 weeks. Me and Andre were thinking on going to the mall. So I said yes,and here we hovering over a toilet and Andre waiting for me downstairs...

Ohh,and Thing between me and Xander are good. He's in his office doing some work with his Uncle,Mario.

"Seriously,Evangeline!! C'mon!!" Andre yelled once again.

That fucker. Shit the fuck up!!!

"I said,I'll be down in a fucking minute!!" I yelled back in anger.

Wow. What the shit is happening to me!?

"okay,sorry!" He said back.

I sighed and stood up from the toilet floor. Xander doesn't know that I am being sick...but I guess I need to tell him.

I can't be pregnant...right?

I mean it was ONCE we didn't use a condom. And that was only one week ago...or was it two?...


I looked myself in the mirror.

Holy fuck shit,I look lile crap. My hair is everywhere.

After looking at myself in the mirror and seeing thw girl from the ring,I brushed my brown wavy hair,and putted it in a ponytail. I got out from the bathroom and got to my walking closet. I putted on a pair of white shoes,black pants and a grey sweater ish. And of course I still have the necklace Xander gave me.

It means so much.

After looking at myself in the mirror one last time,I got out from the room,and walked downstairs. Oh and all Xander's men knows that I am his girl so everyone basicly treats me like I was a fucking Princess. Or his Queen as he says...I mean that maybe is a lot of girls dreams but I don't like to get everything served on the table. I want to work my way. Earn it.

"Ready?" Andre said,making me break from my deep thoughts.

"Oh,yes!" I said trying to sound fresch and exited,but the only thing I'd like to do is to lay in the bed and read wattpad all day...but not today bitch.

We got a ride from one of the drivers,Marco. He's really kind and funny. He makes jokes all the time. Love it. We arrived to the big mall,and said our time to Marco when he could pick us up again.

"Alright honey! Which store you want to go to first?" Andre said exited,and clapped his hands as we walked in to the mall.

I love that he is happy.

"Hmm,what about..." I looked around the mall,trying to find something intresting.

And that's when I saw it.

A store for men,Clothes,watches,everything a man could like!!

"Ohhh!! There!" I said to Andre,and pointed to the store. I looked up at him and he had a big smile on his lips.

"Oh fuck yeah!" He said and ran to the store before me. I chuckled and walked after him. As I got inside,there were so many diffremt things. Perfume,coats,pants,ties. Everything literlly!

"Hmm so what you wanna get your man?" Andre said amd looked down at me,pumping my shoulder a little. And a playful smirk on his face.

"I would like to get him a ring and a perfume,maybe?" I said to Andre,but it came out more like a question.

"That sounds good-" but he broke of his sentence fast.

"Holy fuck,do you see that?!" He said,his grey eyes wide. He looked straight forwards,snd looked like he saw an angel.

I looked at his direction and saw a man. He looked like maybe be in his early 40's. He had dyid his hair blue. But in a light blue,he had dark eyes,almost black. He was big,much muscles and tattoos on his arms. He had a black buttom up shirt,and a pair of white jeans. When he saw that me and Andre were staring at him,he winked at Andre,making him look down at his shoes and blush crimeson.


"Well I am going to buy things to my man. Go and get yours..." I said and winked at Andre,and leaving him there. I looked behind me only to see the blue hair guy standing and talking with Andre. Fuck yes.

I walked over to the perfume wall. Finding a really good perfume I think he will like. After I found a perfume I walked over to the jewelry. I found a ring to him. But it wasn't any ordernary ring. It was black,and on the inside in stood 'I Love You' I think I am ready to say it to him. Beacuse I know that I will never ever leave him. And I really do Love him.



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