Chapter 1

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Today, there was more rush in the canteen compared to normal days...But what special happened today🤔🤔...Well students are discussing something...Let's go and hear what happened...

Student1: Heyy do u know what happened in Morning??

S2: No I didn't...I missed it all😩😩I was late today..

S3: Ohhhh come on...I'll tell...


It was a beautiful morning as usual and as you know new students are coming for the first time today...So ofc Jatin and his gang was waiting for them😒😒...
They stopped 2 new girls in the college and started to rag them...they forced both of them to dance in front of the whole freaking crowd and were passing comments on those of them was very sensitive and she started to cry...Everyone was busy making fun of those girls when a voice came from behind..."Jatin leave those girls"...Jaanvi was still sobbing and Riya was trying to calm her...there was pin drop silence after our hero came...After Arjun Mehra came...the hero of our college, most talked about person most handsome man in the college...All they could hear was Jaanvi's sobs...everyone was quite...Arjun came forward and gave hid handkerchief to Jaanvi...till now he didn't even saw her...She lifted up her face to look at Arjun and that's when Arjun saw her for the first time...That's when their eyes met...Arjun was awestruck by her..she had a very different kind of effect on him...He's not the man who goes after looks but the man who desires for simplicity...According to him a girl looks most beautiful when she is simple...According to Arjun, beauty is simplicity and vice versa...
Jaanvi's heart skipped a beat when she saw the man standing right in front of her...She was speechless...A tall handsome guy saving her from all this...She had nothing to say...she just took the handkerchief and ran towards the washroom...Meanwhile Arjun gave a death glare to Jatin...He felt bad for that girl..."How dare you rag someone in this college" said Arjun giving a death glare to Jatin..."Hey comm on Arjun...Chill man she's just an ordinary please don't make a argument for that bitch in front of the whole..."before Jatin could complete, Arjun interupted, "Mind you language Jatin otherwise you'll not be seen in this college again...She is not an ordinary girl...Don't u dare to call her bitch"...
Jatin: Oh really is she that important to you that you'll fight with me your friend for that girl ?? Who is she...does she even know u or do u even know her name btw ??
Arjun: She is a simple and elegant girl...intelligent enough to get admission in one of the most reputed college in this country...And well mannered enough to not say anything bad about u in spite of all this shit you did...
Jatin: "But Arjun...."
Again Arjun interrupted in between," Don't forget Jatin you are here because of me...and she did it on her own...Every student who is in this college is by their own hardwork...Start respecting them or else get lost...."
Jatin stood there quite...
"I repeat again and this is for everyone...from now on if I come to know that anyone has dared to trouble that girl or her have to face my wrath...THIS IS FIRST AND LAST WARNING FOR EVERYONE"...
Rohan also comes with Arjun only...He is the only person Arjun listens to...
Rohan: "Arjun calm down...relax...
No one will ever dare to tease or trouble a girl like this again...NEVER..."
Arjun was still angry and he furiously went to the office drafted a notice and asked his father to sign it...Arjun's father was the trustee of the college and knew that Arjun is sensible enough to take decisions...after all his whole property belongs to Arjun...Arjun's dad always takes his side and everyone knows that if Arjun wants something, that will happen for sure...Arjun's dad signed the notice as he knew what all happened today...Arjun was still furious...He came and pinned the notice on notice board...and soon announcement was done for all students to check the notice board...
The notice stated,

It has been found that some students are bullying and ragging new students. This thing shall not be repeated again. Ragging and bullying is strictly prohibited in the college. Whosoever does it will be punished and strict actions will be taken against that person.

Signed by Mr. Siddharth Mehra
St. Xavier's College

*End of the Flashback*

S1: Ohhhh my gawdddd
Why did I missed it...How lucky that girl is..Arjun took a stand for her 🥺And see uss...We never got a chance to even talk to him😔😔...

So this is what happened in the morning...hmmm what do u think will happen now🤔🤔....common let's see..

The college got over and everyone was going back...Arjun wanted to meet that girl...and he spotted her near the gate of canteen...

Arjun: Heyyy...How are you?? I'm so sorry for what happened in the morning but this will not happen again...That's my promise and everyone in the college knows when I promise, I never break it..

Jaanvi: Ohhh you don't need to say sorry...I should be sorry...You fought for me and I didn't even thanked you and ran away...
She said in a low tone..

Arjun: Ohhh you don't need to be sorry Miss __?? Well we didn't even introduced ourselves right?? So I am Arjun Mehra..

Jaanvi: I'm Jaanvi Kapoor...A big thanks to you Mr. Mehra

Arjun: Don't be sorry Ms. Kapoor...there nothing like thank you or sorry between friends...We are friends right ??

Jaanvi: That depends on you
...according to me, to be friends we should know each opinion about you is quite good Mr. Mehra

Arjun: Well from my side we are friends and I'm happy to know your opinion

Arjun extends his hand towards Jaanvi and they shake hands marking the beginning of a new friendship...

Riya was seeing all this standing there...and then finally she interrupted,
"Seems like you've found a new friend Jaanvi"

Jaanvi: Yeahhh Riya, meet Arjun Mehra.. and Arjun meet Riya Sharma, my best friend...

Arjun shook hand with Riya...That's when Rohan came....

Arjun introduced his new friends to Rohan...

They had some conversation and then Jaanvi and Riya went to their hostel...Arjun and Rohan were about to sit in the car when his father called him in his office...

Arjun and Rohan went to his office...He considered Rohan as his son only...Arjun and Rohan always stay together...And Siddharth Mehra is happy with both of them went to his office....

What Siddharth wants to say to Arjun that he can't even wait for him to reach home...Is it related to what happened today ?? Or something more important and serious??

Stay tuned to know why Siddharth didn't allowed Arjun to go on usual time today...

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Till then bye

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