✔ Chapter 6.

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                                                               *Bakugou's point of view*

I groan as I open my eyes. After last night I did not want to wake up. I turn around and turn off my alarm, and sigh. I had a bad dream last night..

I doesn't excuse my actions but, I was afraid. And I mostly express myself through anger. My dream was beautiful at first, me and Kirishima, happy, in love, accepted. And then villains came, and I fought for his, and my own life, but for nothing because eventually he still... died.

And the fact that this can actually happen in real life scares the living shit out of me. Yet I think by saying what I said last night I hurt Kirishima worse than any villain ever could. 

I sigh as I get out of bed, starting to pack my bag and put on clothes before walking to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I take my phone with me everywhere, constantly checking if I got a text. 

Kirishima almost always sends me a text in the morning, but not today.. Maybe he's still sleeping I think.

Or maybe, you can just be realistic and admit you were an asshole..

I slowly unlock my phone and click on the text icon, but when I'm about to send him a text, I change my mind. I don't know what it is, but suddenly I feel stubborn. 

I walk out of my bathroom angrily after brushing my teeth, I grab my bag and leave my room, making my way to the cafeteria. Normally Kirishima and I walk to the cafeteria together, but not today. 

When I walk into the common room there is no sight of Kirishima, I do see Denki, he is talking to Jirou. I walk past him, not giving him even a look. But after I've passed him I hear him quickly excuse himself and run after me. 

''What do you want fucker'' I say before even turning around. I hear a huff behind me and when I do turn around, I see an angry Denki, with his arms crossed,  looking at me pissed, ''I have to admit Bakugou, I'm a little scared of you..'' I roll my eyes, what the fuck does this idiot want.

''But I'm angry enough to say it. I don't like you'' he says, I raise my brow and I can see him start to get a little unsure, ''Do I look like I care.'' I answer him.

''Well, I don't care if you care of not. But Kirishima cares, more than you deserve someone to care for you..'' He answers me back, after he said the words I see the color leave his face, ''Wait.. I don't mean it like tha-''

''It's fine, I don't care anyways'' I tell him as I walk away. I can see a few people stopped doing what they were doing, expecting me to blast Denki through the roof, but I wasn't feeling like it.

I walk to the door, putting on my coat and walk over to the cafeteria. I feel bad. With my head down, looking at the floor,  I enter. I think people can sense I'm in a bad mood because nobody talks to me. 

I get in line and look around searching for Kirishima. Then finally, I see him. He's sitting at a table to the left. I grin as I see him. He doesn't look at me though, he's looking at Mina.

I understand, she's way nicer and prettier and better than me..

I sigh as I see I'm almost at the beginning, so I start thinking what food I want. Because I'm completely lost in my thoughts, I don't notice Kirishima walking towards me, and out of nowhere he is next to me. 

''Jesus shitty hair, you scared the fuck of me,'' I say to him, but he doesn't give me his usual smile. ''Don't call me shitty hair Katsuki. I'm not here to be nice, I just wanted to tell you I'm really hurt about what you said.'' he tells me and then walks away. 

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