Part 2-Time Won't Fly

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So, it's the day after Christmas and stuff. So far, this story hasn't been too exciting, but I'm working on it. I'm not going to be working on this one as much, but I feel like updating it right now... 

So, there may be some mistakes in grammar or something, but I wrote this a while ago and never posted it, so i haven't read through it. The whole part is still a flashback, and half of the next one will be too. I might post the next one today, because I'm working on it now.  

Well, I had a fun Christmas, and I got a Big Book of One Direction, so that's fun... I hope my non-existent readers had a good Christmas:)  

Well, I can't think of any other pointless things to say to stall you from reading my story, so go on and read the next part! 



Part 2-Time Won't Fly, It's Like I'm Paralyzed By It 


The next few months went way too fast, and next thing I knew, I was a finalist in the X-factor. I didn't win, I got second place, but I still was signed. I couldn't believe I had gotten so far and so famous, so fast. After the X-Factor ended, I began to write songs and sing them, and I had already released two singles.

I was slowly getting more popular. I was writing songs and recording them, slowly working on my first album. Everything was going pretty well for me.

That is, until one of my managers came up with the "genius" idea to have me collaborate with a more famous artist or band. I thought it was pretty smart too, until they told me who I would be working with. One Direction.

To my managers, it wasn't a bad idea to have us work together. They were talented, had about the same music style as me, and, I have to admit, they were kind of cute. They were popular, and the type of people that I could easily get along with. It would be perfect, if it wasn't for the bad history I had with one of the members of the famous boy band.

My managers didn't know about that. They didn't need to know. I planned to try as hard as I could to forget about everything. I plan to suffer through this, even though it would be a few months, with recording a single together, then going in tour with them. I hoped to make four new friends, and maybe even forgive the other one. I would try as hard as possible to make the next few months fun.



I opened the door, surprised to see my hands shake as I let go of the door, and walked inside. I was supposed to meet One Direction here, and I was anxious to find out what they thought of me. "You already know what one of them thinks of you," I tell myself bitterly.

I walk towards the table in the middle of the room, which is covered in food and seems to be guarded by five boys my age. The blonde one was talking with the light brown haired one, and they didn't notice I walked in. The one with the medium brown hair saw me and smiled. As he began to walk over to me, I noticed the curly haired one lean over and whisper to... he was talking to Zayn. The second I saw him, I froze, and looked away.

"Hi, love, I'm Louis," the one who had the friendly smile said.

"Oh... um... I'm Brianna," I tell Louis, who seems to be the only one who is actually being friendly to me.

"You ok, love?" he asks me, seeming concerned.

"Yeah, I... umm, where's the bathroom?" I wonder, coming up with an excuse to be somewhere alone for a few minutes to figure things out.

"Follow me." Louis tells me, and I do. He shows me to the bathroom, walking down hallways and turning corners. Finally, we arrive at a door that says "Restroom." It's one of those single stall bathrooms, which is pretty much exactly what I needed.

I turn to Louis. "Thanks," I tell him, then walk into the bathroom.

I stand in front of the mirror, trying to calm myself. I take deep breaths, reminding myself, "Don't let your past get in the way of your future." I repeat that to myself, promising myself that I wouldn't let my history get in the way of my career. I was already friends with Louis, and I hoped that the other three boys were just as nice.

After a few more minutes, I walk out of the bathroom, reminding myself of my promise. Apparently Louis was waiting for me, because when the door opens, he stands up and smiles. "You should probably meet the other four boys, considering that you'll be with us for a while..."

He seemed so excited to introduce me to the other boys that I had to smile. "Ok, let's go!"

Once we got back to where the boys were, Louis easily got the boys attention. "Ok, lads, this is Brianna. She will be working with us for the next few months, and you WILL say hi to her now, and welcome her." Louis says loudly and obnoxiously, getting the boys attention. The boys didn't seem surprised to hear how demanding Louis sounded, so I guess it was normal for him to be this obnoxious...

The light brown haired one was the first one to introduce himself. "I'm Liam." he says with a friendly tone, and a smile.

The next one to introduce himself is the blonde one. "I'm Niall." he tells me. I was surprised by his Irish accent, but that's probably only because I had tried to avoid One Direction, because of a certain member. Had I paid any attention to them, I would probably have known that he's Irish.

The curly-haired one introduces himself next. "Hello, love. I'm Harry." he says with a flirty tone and a smirk. I would have rolled my eyes, but I wasn't exactly in the best mood, so I gave him a disapproving look instead.

Zayn decided to pretend that we didn't know each other, and I was fine with that. "Zayn." he simply says, sounding bored, earning a glared from Louis.

But in a second Louis was smiling, so maybe I just imagined it. "Now that we all know each other's names, why don't we do something together? What do you guy think about the mall?" Louis suggested.

And that was how I found myself at the mall with a boy that I hate (who hates me back), and his four friends. I spent most of the time doing stupid stuff with Louis, because the rest of the boys didn't seem to even care about the fact that I was right there.

At one point, Niall was complaining about being hungry, so everyone but Louis and I went to the food court. While they were gone, we went into a random clothes store. He began to pick out ridiculous outfits, and made me try them on. We took pictures, and, by the time the other boys came back, we were laughing really hard, while the boys were just staring at the two of us like we were insane. But that was fine, because I was actually having fun with at least one of the boys I was stuck working with for the next few months. 



Ok, I hope that wasn't TOO boring. But, don't worry, I'll be posting part three soon. And, if I have any readers, it would be pretty cool if you commented the name of the song of where I got the title from, or at least a guess (hint: Taylor Swift). If someone gets it right, I'll dedicate a chapter to them, if I can figure out how... 


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